I have a query which inserts the data of an user into the db. It works fine, but the users
table has an unique index on the username
, so when trying to create a row with a username already existing, it throws an error:
pub async fn create(user: UserRequest, pool: &PgPool) -> anyhow::Result<User> {
let new_user = sqlx::query_as!(
INSERT INTO users (first_name, username)
VALUES ($1, $2)
RETURNING id, first_name, username
Ok(User {
id: new_user.id,
first_name: new_user.first_name,
username: new_user.username,
is a function argument defined as:
pub struct UserRequest {
pub first_name: String,
pub username: String,
The endpoint using this function uses match
to check if it's Ok(user)
or anything else, and returns its response:
pub async fn create_user(
user: web::Json<UserRequest>,
pool: Data<PgPool>,
) -> impl Responder {
let new_user = User::create(user.into_inner(), pool.get_ref()).await;
match new_user {
Ok(user) => HttpResponse::Ok().json(user),
_ => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(ERROR_MESSAGE),
What can I do in order to capture that case, when there's an error because the row is trying to be duplicated? The case is I'd need to return a different HTTP status when that happens.
You can check the error code using get_code
match new_user {
Ok(user) => HttpResponse::Ok().json(user),
Err(err) if err.get_code() == "23505" {
// returns unique constraint violation response.
_ => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(ERROR_MESSAGE),
To make this work as @MichaelAnderson pointed out in the comments,
you'd need to change the return type of create to
Result<User, sqlx::postgres::PgDatabaseError>
, or instead of changing the return type of create, you could useanyhow::Error::downcast
or its related functions to get back to aPgDatabaseError