I am trying to grab Hawaii-specific data from this site: https://www.opentable.com/state-of-industry. I want to get the data for Hawaii from every table on the site. This is done after selecting the State tab.
In R, I am trying to use rvest library with SelectorGadget.
So far I've tried
html <- read_html("https://www.opentable.com/state-of-industry")
html %>%
html_element("tbody") %>%
However, this isn't giving me what I am looking for yet. I am getting the Global dataset instead in a tibble. So any suggestions on how grab the Hawaii dataset from the State tab?
Also, is there a way to download the dataset that clicks on Download dataset tab? I can also then work from the csv file.
All the page data is stored in a script
tag where it is pulled from dynamically in the browser. You can regex out the JavaScript object containing all the data, and write a custom function to extract just the info for Hawaii as shown below. Function get_state_index
is written to accept a state
argument, in case you wish to view other states' information.
get_state_index <- function(states, state) {
return(match(T, map(states, ~ {
.x$name == state
s <- read_html("https://www.opentable.com/state-of-industry") %>% html_text()
all_data <- jsonlite::parse_json(stringr::str_match(s, "__INITIAL_STATE__ = (.*?\\});w\\.")[, 2])
fullbook <- all_data$covidDataCenter$fullbook
hawaii_dataset <- tibble(
date = fullbook$headers %>% unlist() %>% as.Date(),
yoy = fullbook$states[get_state_index(fullbook$states, "Hawaii")][[1]]$yoy %>% unlist()