I am trying to access the titles and polls of Reddit posts from the subreddit r/WouldYouRather for a game that I am working on. In the code below, I have attempted to access 10 such posts, obtaining the titles of the submissions, as well as the options of the polls that users have put up. However, when I run the code, I am given an error that says that the poll_data attribute doesn't exist for the Submissions object, which, as far as I can tell, isn't true.
Forgive me for my arbitrary variable names, but here is what I have.
import os
import praw
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = 'H'],
client_secret = 'H'],
username = 'H'],
password = 'H'],
user_agent = 'H')
lmao = []
lmaolmao = []
sub = reddit.subreddit("wouldyourather")
hotstuff = sub.hot(limit = 10)
for submission in hotstuff:
When I take out any code regarding poll_data, the list of post titles print just fine, so I'm not sure why this code is erroring. Why is this happening?
I simplified the code as much as possible, but still got the same error message:
import os
import praw
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = os.environ['client_id'],
client_secret = os.environ['client_secret'],
username = os.environ['username'],
password = os.environ['password'],
user_agent = os.environ['user_agent'])
sub = reddit.subreddit("wouldyourather").hot(limit = 1)
for submission in sub:
Simple answer: The hottest post is not a poll and therefore it does not have the poll_data
attribute. I think the hottest post is just the introduction for the subreddit.
I updated your code to check if the post has the attribute poll_data
, which inserts all posts with the poll data to your list:
lmao = []
lmaolmao = []
sub = reddit.subreddit("wouldyourather")
hotstuff = sub.hot(limit = 10)
for submission in hotstuff:
if hasattr(submission, 'poll_data'):
The if
checks with hasattr()
if the submission has poll data otherwise it will be ignored.