I am still a little new to Qt and python in general so I was wondering if I could get a little help with a project I am working on. I want to create a real-time graph with pyqtgraph that plots the data it receives through an RS232 connection using QSerialPort. Theoretically, the user should click start, signaling a flow of data from the RS232 connection unit it is stopped when the user clicks stop. The code down below opens and closes the port; however, the data isn't being plotted on the graph. Thanks ahead of time!
class Graph(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__ (self):
super(Graph, self).__init__()
def initializeSpace(self):
# Create basic buttons next to graph
self.start = QtGui.QPushButton(
text = "Start",
clicked = self.send)
self.stop = QtGui.QPushButton(
text = "Stop",
clicked = self.stop)
# Create plot
self.graph = pg.PlotWidget()
# Add grid
self.graph.showGrid(x = True, y = True)
# Set X-axis and Y-axis range
self.graph.setXRange(0, 10)
self.graph.setYRange(0, 200)
# Create Layout
self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
# Add widgets to layout
self.layout.addWidget(self.start, 0, 0)
self.layout.addWidget(self.stop, 1, 0)
self.layout.addWidget(self.graph, 0, 1, 3, 1)
# Set layout
# Define himmelstein serial
self.serial = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort(
baudRate = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.Baud9600,
dataBits = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.Data8,
parity = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.NoParity,
stopBits = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.OneStop,
flowControl = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.NoFlowControl,
readyRead = self.receive
def receive(self):
while self.serial.canReadLine():
data = self.serial.readLine().data().decode()
data = data.strip('\r\n')
torque = data[0]
speed = data[1]
self.graph.plot(x = torque, y = speed)
# Send command and receive data
def send(self):
print("Port is open!")
def stop(self):
if self.serial.isOpen():
print("Port closed!")
No it can not be done. At this moment even Qt has not included the QSerialPort module to Qt6 as this post points out:
For Qt 6.2 we are planning to provide the following additional libraries:
- Qt Bluetooth
- Qt Data Visualization
- Qt Lottie Animation
- Qt Multimedia
- Qt NFC
- Qt Positioning
- Qt Quick Dialogs: Folder, Message Box
- Qt Remote Objects
- Qt Sensors
- Qt SerialBus
- Qt SerialPort
- Qt WebChannel
- Qt WebEngine
- Qt WebSockets
- Qt WebView
(emphasis mine)
Currently only Qt 6.1.2 is available, and PyQt6 6.1.1 uses Qt 6.1.1.