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How to redirect 404 errors (and 403) to index.html with a 200 response

I am building a static website that uses JS to parse a URL in order to work out what to display.

I need every URL to actually open index.html where the JS can pull apart the path and act accordingly.

For example will be parsed as an action with some parameters params.

Background, this will be served from AWS S3 via CloudFront using custom error redirection - and this works fine on AWS.

I am, however, trying to build a dev environment under Ubuntu running apache and want to emulate the redirection locally.

I have found a couple of pages that come close, but not quite.

This page shows how to do the redirect to a custom error page on the server housed in a file called "404". As 404 is the actual error response code, the example looks a bit confusing and I am having trouble modifying the example to point to index.html.

The example in the accepted answer suggests:

Redirect 200 /404
ErrorDocument 404 /404

which I have modified to:

Redirect 200 /index.html
ErrorDocument 404 /index.html

However this returns a standard 404 Not Found error page.

If I remove the Redirect line, leaving just the ErrorDocument line, I get the index.html page returned as required, but the https status response is still a 404 code where I need it to be a 200.

If I leave the Redirect line as per the example I actually get the same result as my modified version, so I suspect this is the line that is incorrect, but I can't figure it out.

(I'm using the Chrome Dev Tools console to see the status codes etc).


  • I think I have found a solution using Rewrite rules instead of error docs.

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

    The key I was missing in this approach seems to be not including an R=??? status response code at the end of the rewrite rule. It took me a while to find that!

    As it uses mod_rewrite rather than defining error pages I assume that the mechanism is different to how CloudFront does it, but for my dev system needs it seems that the result is the same - which means I can work on the site without having to invalidate the CloudFront cache after every code change and upload.