I'm trying to send data to my backend with ngrx store but i'm getting this error: ERROR TypeError: "value" is read-only. I tried a lot of things but no one worked.
I have to send the "equipment" object which contains an array of properties which has just been modified, the equipment in question is registered in the store, I get it directly from the store in the component to make my form
my code on the effect:
updateEquipment$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(action => {
const equipment = { ...action.equipment };
// const result = { ...action.gasxProperty };
action.gasxProperty.forEach(res => {
equipment.properties.find(prop => prop.name === res.name).value = res.value; // <== here i get the error
return this.settingsService.saveEquipment(action.equipment).pipe(
map(equipmentSaved => {
this.toastrService.success('', 'Equipement sauvegardée.');
return SettingsActions.updateEquipmentSuccess({ equipment: equipmentSaved });
catchError(() => {
this.toastrService.error('', 'Erreur de sauvegarde.');
return of(SettingsActions.updateEquipmentError());
On my component, i do this to save:
public equipment$: Observable<Equipment>;
constructor() {
this.equipment$ = this.store.select(fromSettings.getSelectedEquipment);
public onSubmit(equipment: Equipment): void {
const result = Object.keys(this.form.controls.gasx.value).map(key => ({
name: key,
value: this.form.controls.gasx.value[key]
this.store.dispatch(SettingsActions.updateEquipment({ equipment, gasxProperty: result }));
the html:
<ng-container *ngIf="(equipment$ | async) as equipment">
<div *ngIf="!isEditable"
class="flex items-center justify-center w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-smg-lightGray">
<img class="w-3 cursor-pointer"
src="../../../../../../assets/icons/pen.svg" />
and the action was:
export const updateEquipment = createAction(
'[Settings] Update equipment',
props<{ equipment: Equipment; gasxProperty }>()
Any ideas?
You can't do this because the action is "frozen" (read-only).
action.gasxProperty.forEach(res => {
equipment.properties.find(prop => prop.name === res.name).value = res.value; // <== here i get the error
Instead, you should update it in a immutable way (with the spread syntax)