Search code examples

Checking that [1, null, 1] and [1, 1] are valid Binary Search Trees

What would be the possible Binary Search Tree of [1, null, 1] and [1, 1]? Will there be any difference at all?

My code verifies [1, 1] as BST but not [1, null, 1], and I don't understand why...

bool isBST(TreeNode* root, int max, int min){
        return true;
    if((max!= NULL && max<=root->val) || (min!= NULL && min>root->val))
        return false;
    if(!isBST(root->left, root->val, min) || !isBST(root->right, max, root->val))
        return false;
    return true;
bool isValidBST(TreeNode* root) {
    int min =NULL, max = NULL;
    return isBST(root, NULL, NULL);

Why does my code not return true for [1, null, 1]?


  • The array format is usually a breadth-first order of the values in a tree, where null is a place holder for where there is no node.

    So for instance [1, 1] is a representation of this tree:


    And [1, null, 1] is a representation of this tree:

          / \
       null  1 

    Which is:


    Another, larger example: [10, 5, 8, 2, null, 6, null, 1, 3, null, 7] represents:

              /  \
             5    8
            /    /
           2    6
          / \    \
         1   3    7

    So, yes, there is a difference between [1, 1] and [1, null, 1].

    The reason why your code does not consider the second one valid, is because of the comparison made in this line:

    if((max!= NULL && max<=root->val) || (min!= NULL && min>root->val))
    //                   ^^

    You should allow a value to be equal to max, so correct as follows:

    if((max!= NULL && max< root->val) || (min!= NULL && min>root->val))

    Some other remarks:

    • I find it confusing that your function first takes the max argument and then the min. Consider changing the order of these two parameters.

    • Using NULL as initial value for min and max may lead to problems when your tree happens to have a value that is equal to NULL (in most environments 0 would be equal NULL). Consider using INT_MIN and INT_MAX respectively as initial values, and then you can also remove the extra conditions in your isBST function.