In the minipage environment with listing and figure I'd like to have three separate captions a
, b
, c
evenly as the picture below:
But my try with this minimal code results an untidy captions as below:
while(a < 0){
\caption{C program}
&F_1(a, b) \leftarrow a \le 0 \\
&F_2(a, b) \leftarrow F_1(a, b) \\
\caption{overal blablablablablabla caption}
How can I get rid of Figure
keyword and get a
, b
, c
caption in the same level?
You can [b]
ottom align your minipages:
while(a < 0){
\caption{C program}
&F_1(a, b) \leftarrow a \le 0 \\
&F_2(a, b) \leftarrow F_1(a, b) \\
The same technique works also with subfigure
while(a < 0){
\caption{C program}
&F_1(a, b) \leftarrow a \le 0 \\
&F_2(a, b) \leftarrow F_1(a, b) \\