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How can I deploy a flutter web application to an existing website hosted on Firebase?

I have a website that I'm already hosting at (custom domain) using Firebase Hosting. I already have various HTML pages on the site like or

Now I need to build a web application example-web and put it in a page within the already existing site. Imagine should load the Flutter Web application only. I do not want my existing HTML pages to change or be affected by the Flutter single page web application.

Some things to note:

  1. I already have iOS and Android applications built using the same Firebase project as the site being hosted on These mobile apps are also created with Flutter.
  2. I have created a sample web application using Flutter and Firebase as well within the same project.
  3. I need it to be on the same domain because I already have Firebase Hosting set up to read a variable and then load the Flutter web app using that variable. For example needs to load the flutter web app after reading the variable username.
  4. I am simply confused about how to load the Flutter Web App build inside an existing Firebase Hosting website?
  5. Should I be hosting the flutter web app in a different hosting link and load it inside an iFrame within my existing domain page?

Any help or guidance for this will be highly appreciated! Thank you!


  • You can simply paste all the files that Flutter generates in your Firebase hosting's public directory. Follow these steps:

    1. Run Flutter Build:

    flutter build web

    It will generate build/web directory and it's content may look something like:

    Flutter build directory

    2. Copy build files in public directory: If you already have a Firebase hosting project, then I assume your public directory looks something like:

    Firebase Project Directory

    After copying all files from the Flutter build directory to the public directory, it should look like:

    Firebase Project Directory 2

    Do note that I've renamed index.html from Flutter to page-3.html and kept the original index.html as is.

    That page-3.html file will look for main.dart.js file in the same directory so if you move that JS file to any other directory, let's say, /js/main.dart.js then don't forget to change that in page-3.html.

    3. Serve the website:

    Try serving your website locally using firebase serve --only hosting command.

    You should have all existing pages as they were and Flutter app on http://localhost:3000/page-3.html. If the page returns 404 on /page-3 but works on /page-3.html then checkout this answer on cleanUrls.

    PS: Make sure none of your files overwrite each other if they have same name.