I'm trying to increase the version of my package an R session on google cloud platform. I think I must be missing something because I thought when which
was set that the code should be able to run without further user input.
returns FALSE
as I'd expect.
usethis::use_version(which = "minor")
✔ Setting active project to '/home/jupyter/x/y'
Error: User input required, but session is not interactive.
Query: There are uncommitted changes and you're about to bump version
Do you want to proceed anyway?
1. usethis::use_version("minor")
2. challenge_uncommitted_changes(msg = "There are uncommitted changes and you're about to bump version")
3. ui_yeah("{msg}\nDo you want to proceed anyway?")
4. ui_stop(c("User input required, but session is not interactive.",
. "Query: {x}"))
Here's the function code: https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/blob/master/R/version.R
function (which = NULL)
if (is.null(which) && !is_interactive()) {
challenge_uncommitted_changes(msg = "There are uncommitted changes and you're about to bump version")
new_ver <- choose_version("What should the new version be?",
if (is.null(new_ver)) {
use_description_field("Version", new_ver, overwrite = TRUE)
if (names(new_ver) == "dev") {
use_news_heading("(development version)")
else {
git_ask_commit("Increment version number", untracked = TRUE,
paths = c("DESCRIPTION", "NEWS.md", path("src", "version.c")))
Is this a possible bug in choose_version()?
R Version
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
major 3
minor 6.3
year 2020
month 02
day 29
svn rev 77875
language R
version.string R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
nickname Holding the Windsock
This problem was driven by uncommitted changes in the repository, this triggered interactive behaviour in use_version
Specifically in challenge_uncommitted_changes(msg = "There are uncommitted changes and you're about to bump version")
This caused the error message to be returned.
I fixed this by committing all untracked/modified files.
I've flagged this to the package maintainers, as I think there's a case to be made to let the function run non-interactively without having to commit changes.
Thanks @MrFlick for his correct suggestion on how to fix this.