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how to extract exact contents from apiServices in flutter

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Response I got from API

            "published_on":"2021-07-20 00:00:36",
            "modified_on":"2021-07-19 16:44:34",
                     "name":"Indian Rupee",
                     "name":"U.S. Dollar",
                     "name":"European Euro",
                     "name":"UK Pound Sterling",
                     "name":"Swiss Franc",
                     "name":"Australian Dollar",
                     "name":"Canadian Dollar",
                     "name":"Singapore Dollar",
                     "name":"Japanese Yen",
                     "name":"Chinese Yuan",
                     "name":"Saudi Arabian Riyal",
                     "name":"Qatari Riyal",
                     "name":"Thai Baht",
                     "name":"UAE Dirham",
                     "name":"Malaysian Ringgit",
                     "name":"South Korean Won",
                     "name":"Swedish Kroner",
                     "name":"Danish Kroner",
                     "name":"Hong Kong Dollar",
                     "name":"Kuwaity Dinar",
                     "name":"Bahrain Dinar",

I am trying to access rates from the above-using response.body as below. But I am confused about accessing rates. Any help will be appreciated.

class ExchangeRateApiServices{
  static const String BASE_URL = "";

  static Future  fetchExchangeRateList({String date}) async {
    String url = "/rates?page=1&per_page=10&from=$date&to=$date";
    print("Date: $date");
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> exchangeRateList = [];
    //List<Post> posts = [];
    //List<Post> posts = List<Post>.empty(growable: true);
    try {
      var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(BASE_URL + url));
      if (response.statusCode == 200) {
        List<Map<String, dynamic>> body =
        List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(jsonDecode(response.body));
        body.forEach((element) {

        print("exchangeRate list from ApiServices $exchangeRateList}");
        return exchangeRateList;
      } else {
        print("response error while fetching exchange Rates");
    } catch (e) {
      print('we get error save ${e.toString()}');

All I need is to extract and display exchange rates from data> payment>rates. I am really confused about parsing the response. But I am not being able to figure out how to.


  • your response is not a list

    it's just a Map<String, dynamic>

    and your payload give you a list of Maps and in each element of payload, you have a list of rates and because your payload only have one child you should use foreach on rates

    it should look like this :

    Map<String, dynamic> body = jsonDecode(response.body);
    body['data']['payload'].first['rates'].forEach((element) {