I have a tooltip, and I want it to always be at the top and center, it won't change when resizing even though there's not enough space at the top. I want the tooltip to overflow to the outside. But it changes position by itself when there is not enough space
Link sanbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/tooltip-bootstrap-vue-8vjtl?file=/src/App.vue
<div style="background: #ccc">
<div id="tooltip_1" style="background: #fff"><div>
<b-tooltip :target="tooltip_1" placement="top" fallback-placement="flip" triggers="click blur">
Text demodemo
Looks like it's related to fallback-placement
but I don't know how to turn it disable.
Thanks everyone!
Try the below code. Sandbox Example
Approach 1: Need to add boundary="document"
<div id="app">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="box">
:style="{ width: sizeWidth + 'px' }"
Click me
<b-tooltip target="tooltip-target-1" triggers="click" placement="top"
<span class="bold">I want it</span><br />
<span>break the line</span><br />
<span class="yellow">and custom style</span>
<button @click="zooOut">Zoom</button>
Approach 2:
<div id="app">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="box">
Click me
export default {
name: "App",
data() {
return {
toolTipData: {
title: `<span class="bold">I want it</span><br /><span>break the line</span><br /><span class="yellow">and custom style</span>`,