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Is it possible to use captured group in replacement when setting modify-body option for mitmproxy?

I want to modify the response body, a json string to append extra site information for current user. For example, the original body might look like below.

          "name":"Flik_Test (DEV)"
            "name":"Site Mode User"
            "name":"Shanghai Office"

I expect the body could be modified as below.

            "name":"Site Mode User"
            "name":"Cabrini Hospital"
          "name":"Flik_Test (DEV)"
            "name":"Site Mode User"
            "name":"Shanghai Office"

However, the user_uuid will be different when another user logs in and I try below regex when adding modify-body option. I have tries $1, \$1, \1 and \\1 but without luck none of them works.

--modify-body "/~d test\.com & ~bs provider_assignments/\"provider_assignments\":\[\{\"user_uuid\":\"([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})\"/\"provider_assignments\":[{\"user_uuid\":\"\1\",\"environment\":{\"uuid\":\"ffb520d4-09fb-45b5-a292-b31fcfdeb2e6\",\"name\":\"ACE-536-MDS-002\"},\"roles\":[{\"oid\":\"SITEMODE\",\"name\":\"Site Mode User\"}],\"sites\":[{\"uuid\":\"e83ff461-756d-43e6-8129-210fa065be41\",\"name\":\"Cabrini Hospital\"}]},{\"user_uuid\":\"\1\""

Please advice. Thanks a lot.


  • Using the group reference syntax mentioned in python regex instantly replace groups, group reference should be like \g<1> then it solves my problem perfect.