I'm trying to write a query that contains multiple left joins in linq in a c# .netcore 2.2 application. I've tried writing the query in linq but it is not properly retrieving all the rows. Query I'm trying to convert is as follows.
select ISNULL(b.Id, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') as 'Bat Id', p.Id as 'ProductId', p.RP, u.UnitName as 'UnitName', ISNULL(b.QTY,0) as 'BusQty', p.[Name] as 'Product Name'
from Products p left join Bat b
ON p.Id = b.ProductId
left join Units u on p.UOId = u.Id;
linq I have so far
var allProducts = (from p in _db.Products
join s in _db.Bat on p.Id equals s.ProductId into ps
from s in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join u in _db.Units on p.UOId equals u.Id
select new
BatId = s.Id == null ? Guid.NewGuid() : s.Id,
RP = p.RP,
BusQty = s.QTY == null ? 0 : s.QTY,
ProductName = p.Name,
UnitName = u.UnitName,
ProductId = p.Id,
You are missing DefaultIfEmpty()
on Units
, thereby turning it into an inner join
var allProducts = (
from p in _db.Products
join s in _db.Bat on p.Id equals s.ProductId into ps
from s in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join u in _db.Units on p.UOId equals u.Id into us
from u in us.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
BatId = s.Id ?? Guid.NewGuid(),
RP = p.RP,
BusQty = s.QTY ?? 0,
ProductName = p.Name,
UnitName = u.UnitName,
ProductId = p.Id,