I'm trying to import selenium from a python3 application. I've already installed it asi you can see in the first image.
I also configured the vs code with python3 (image 2).
Both if i try to run it from vs code console or with python3 it says the same error.
Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError No module named 'selenium' File "/Users/admin/Documents/Bot/bot.py", line 1, in from selenium import webdriver
I've tried several answers from StackOverflow but it didn't seem to work with me.
Note: i'm not using a virtual environment.
Since apparently i have a lot of python3 installed on my system i just created a virtual environment.
go to your program folder and type:
python3 -m venv virtual-env this will create a copy of python3 inside your program folder (in /virtual-env/bin/)
then you need to activate it:
source /virtual-env/bin/activate this will activate your virtual environment, so you can use your own copy of python3 located on your folder.
Once activated, your console will look like this:
(virtual-env) user:program admin$
thanks to everyone and sorry for the lateness