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Mutual dependency of two objects

Quite frequently, I stuble over a situation like this: two objects need to know each other, and we have a mutual aggregation-style dependency (imagine, for example, one object handles a websocket connection, and the other handles a dbus connection, and we need to forward messages in both directions). A UML diagram would look like that:

UML class diagram of mutual aggregation style dependency

A simple way to create this dependency in C++ would be to just pass pointers to each other:

int main() {
  TypeA a;
  TypeB b;


  // ...

I see a potential memory problem here. When main() returns, first b is destroyed, then a. Between those two steps, a might still be running in another thread and access the pointer to b, which is invalid at this time, causing a seg-fault.

My current solution to that problem is using C++11 smart pointers. Both TypeA and TypeB store weak_ptr to the other, and must always check if the pointer is valid before accessing it:

int main() {
  auto a = std::make_shared<TypeA>();
  auto b = std::make_shared<TypeB>();

  a->SetB(b);    // this method converts the shared_ptr to a weak_ptr
  b->SetA(a);    // this method converts the shared_ptr to a weak_ptr

  // ...

I am unsure if this really is a proper solution. Also, I'm not so happy that the objects always must be on the heap, and I cannot just place them on the stack anymore.

Can anyone imagine another solution? How to solve this in C++98 or in C?


  • When both objects run in their own thread, you could use channels (or pipes, or queues, or however you want to call them) for the communication between those two objects.

    You create a channel for each object and pass references to them as sending and receiving ends respectively to the objects. The objects than can listen on their receiving end for messages as actors and act upon new messages when they receive and take them. This breaks up the cyclic dependency, as each object now holds references to the channels over which they communicate with each other.


    // The interface for the sending end of a Channel
    template<typename T>
    class SendingChannel {
        virtual void send(T) = 0;
        virtual ~SendingChannel() = default;
    // The interface for the receiving end of a Channel
    template<typename T>
    class ReceivingChannel {
        virtual T receive() = 0;
        virtual ~ReceivingChannel() = default;
    // The implementation for a whole Channel
    template<typename T>
    class Channel: public SendingChannel<T>, public ReceivingChannel<T> {
        std::queue<T> msgs{};
        std::mutex channel_mtx{};
        std::condition_variable receiving_finishable{};
        bool is_empty() const { return msgs.empty(); }
        bool is_not_empty() const { return !is_empty(); }
        void send(T msg) override {
            std::lock_guard channel_lck{channel_mtx};
        T receive() override {
            std::unique_lock channel_lck{channel_mtx};
                [this](){ return is_not_empty(); }
            T msg{std::move(msgs.front())};
            return msg;

    The message used for communication between the objects might consist of en enum to denote the type and maybe a variant for the ability to transport values of different types. But different values and action types could also be conveyd by polymorphic message types or the function of the functial standard library.

    Execution loop of an actor:

    while (true) {
        auto message = inbox.receive();
        switch (message.type) {
            case MsgType::PrintHello:
            case MsgType::PrintMessage:
            case MsgType::GetValue:
            case MsgType::Value:


    int main() {
        Channel<Message> to_b;
        Channel<Message> to_a;
        Object a("A", to_a, to_b);
        Object b("B", to_b, to_a);
        thread thread_a{a};
        thread thread_b{b};
        to_a.send(Message{MsgType::PrintMessage, "Hello, World!"});

    As you can see in main, there is no need for any pointers, nothing needs to be declared on the heap and there are no cyclic references. Channels are a decent solution to isolate threads and the objects running on them. The actors can act and communicate over the channels thread safe.

    My full example can be viewed on my Github repo.