I'm using @nestjs/swagger in the Nest.js application to generate Swagger documentation.
In the documentation we have a simple example like
const config = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('Cats example')
.setDescription('The cats API description')
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config);
SwaggerModule.setup('api', app, document);
With this implementation, I faced the security issue, which can expose attackers to phishing. For example, we have a swagger page
Attackers can add a query parameter in URL like
That can lead to security issues. Is there any way to prevent it? Can we disable the query parameters for the Swagger URL, or clean it? To convert
https://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://27.rs/card.yaml#/default/get_ => https://petstore.swagger.io/
As a 4-th parameter SwaaggerModule.setup
function can receive options. I have tried to do something with them but still no result. Here are possible parameters
export interface SwaggerCustomOptions {
explorer?: boolean;
swaggerOptions?: Record<string, any>;
customCss?: string;
customCssUrl?: string;
customJs?: string;
customfavIcon?: string;
swaggerUrl?: string;
customSiteTitle?: string;
validatorUrl?: string;
url?: string;
urls?: Record<'url' | 'name', string>[];
I can see also the open issue in GitHub regarding this question.
There are mentioned about the usage of window.history.replaceState(null, "", window.location.pathname);
. How it can be used in @nestjs/swagger?
I didn't found any solution in @nestjs/swagger and I can see the open issue in GitHub
As a temporary solution, I have added the following part of the code to handle the requests before rendering the Swagger document.
app.use(swaggerPath, (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
// A temporary solution to prevent security issues with query params
// Can be removed when into the swagger module will be added ability to turn off query parameters of URL
if (Object.keys(req.query).length) {
} else {
Where swaggerPath is something like /api/doc
, or your swagger path.