I have a gatling project where I make use of environment variables:
val Feeder: String = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("FEEDER", "sts")
When I run it using maven I try to set the value of that variable, but I always get the default value:
$ mvn gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=simulations.MySimulation -DFEEDER=something
I've also tried to just set the value in the terminal before executing maven:
$ FEEDER=something
$ mvn gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=simulations.MySimulation
but I always get the default value "sts"
Am I missing something? How can I set the value I want to get?
You're confusing env variables and Java System Properties.
is for the former while -DFEEDER=something
is for the latter.
Please use scala.util.Properties.propOrElse
or sys.props.getOrElse