Search code examples

Sum and count of records

I have a table with some records:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
1 Row1 99 152
1 Row2 99 20
5 Row3 98 34
1 Row4 120 18
7 Row5 27 74

I need to get the sum of Col4 values where Col1 = 1, sum of Col4 values where Col3 = 99 and Col1 = 1, sum of Col4 values where Col3 <> 99 and Col1 = 1, total count of records where Col1 = 1, count of records where Col3 = 99 and Col1 = 1, count of records where Col3 <> 99 and Col1 = 1 (there is a possibility that there will be no records that meet the criteria).

My SQLite statement looks like that:

    query.SQL.Text:= 'SELECT IFNULL(sum(Col4), 0), '+
                     'IFNULL(sum(case when Col3 = 99 then Col4 else 0 end), 0), ' +
                     'IFNULL(sum(case when Col3 <> 99 then Col4 else 0 end), 0), ' +
                     'IFNULL(count(*), 0), ' +
                     'IFNULL(sum(case Col3 = 99 then 1 else 0 end), 0), ' +
                     'IFNULL(sum(case Col3 <> 99 then 1 else 0 end), 0) ' +
                     'FROM myTable WHERE Col1 = :_Col1';

Is there a way to simplify it?


  • SQLite evaluates boolean expressions to 1 (true) or 0 (false), so a CASE expression like:

    case when Col3 = 99 then 1 else 0 end

    can be simplified to:

    Col3 = 99

    Also, the ELSE part in a CASE expression like:

    CASE WHEN Col3 = 99 THEN Col4 ELSE 0 END 

    is not needed because later you use IFNULL() to return 0 in case it returns NULL.

    Finally, COUNT(*) never returns NULL, so IFNULL() is not needed in this case.

    Simplify your code to this:

    SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Col4), 0),
           IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN Col3 = 99 THEN Col4 END), 0),
           IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN Col3 <> 99 THEN Col4 END), 0),
           IFNULL(SUM(Col3 = 99), 0),
           IFNULL(SUM(Col3 <> 99), 0)
    FROM myTable 
    WHERE Col1 = 1;

    See the demo.