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AxMSTSCLib how to redirect camera from client to remote session?

I am using AxMSTSCLib to develop a Windows application for establishing RDP connections. But I don't know how to redirect a physical camera from client to remote RDP session.

I tried to add camerastoredirect:s:* and devicestoredirect:s:* in .rdp file to redirect camera, it worked, I can use the camera in remote desktop via RDP.

But I can't find the correct property in AxMSTSCLib library to enable this feature.

I've tried to redirect all possible/dynamic devices, but it didn't work at all. Here is the code:

public AxMSTSCLib.AxMsRdpClient7NotSafeForScripting oRemote;
oRemote = new AxMSTSCLib.AxMsRdpClient7NotSafeForScripting();

oRemote.AdvancedSettings7.RedirectDevices = true;
oRemote.AdvancedSettings7.RedirectPorts = true;
oRemote.AdvancedSettings7.RedirectPOSDevices = true;

MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable5 ocx = (MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable5)oRemote.GetOcx();
ocx.RedirectDynamicDevices = true;
for (int i = 0; i < ocx.DeviceCollection.DeviceCount; i++)
    MSTSCLib.IMsRdpDevice device = ocx.DeviceCollection.get_DeviceByIndex((uint)i);
    device.RedirectionState = true;

I found IMsRdpCameraRedirConfigCollection in newer API documents, need to upgrade IMsRdpClientNonScriptable from 5 to 7.

I tried to print its count before setting Redirected as true, like this:

MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable7 ocx = (MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable7)oRemote.GetOcx();
Logger.Log("[ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.Count]:" + (ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.Count).ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.Count; i++)
    MSTSCLib.IMsRdpCameraRedirConfig camera = ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.get_ByIndex((uint)i);
    Logger.Log("[camera.FriendlyName]:" + camera.FriendlyName);
    camera.Redirected = true;

Unfortunately, I got zero.

According to the Docs, it looks like I have to add the camera symbolic link to the collection using AddConfig method. I stuck at this point, how do I add a camera symbolic link to the IMsRdpCameraRedirConfigCollection? How to get camera symbolic link?


  • Why IMsRdpCameraRedirConfigCollection is empty in the beginning? Since you didn't Rescan connected camera devices.

    MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable7 ocx = (MSTSCLib.IMsRdpClientNonScriptable7)oRemote.GetOcx();
    // enumerates connected camera devices
    for (int i = 0; i < ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.Count; i++)
        MSTSCLib.IMsRdpCameraRedirConfig camera = ocx.CameraRedirConfigCollection.get_ByIndex((uint)i);
        camera.Redirected = true;

    That's it, all connected camera devices will be redirected to the remote desktop.