I have just install oneAPI Base Toolkit and HPC toolkit. As it is indicated into doc, I have put into my ~/.zshrc
source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh
Now 2 problems occur :
First, when I open a new terminal, I have systematically the long message appearing before having the hand on the terminal : how to make this long message be silencious ?
:: initializing oneAPI environment ...
zsh: ZSH_VERSION = 5.7.1
:: advisor -- latest
:: ccl -- latest
:: clck -- latest
:: compiler -- latest
:: dal -- latest
:: debugger -- latest
:: dev-utilities -- latest
:: dnnl -- latest
:: dpcpp-ct -- latest
:: dpl -- latest
:: inspector -- latest
:: intelpython -- latest
/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/latest/etc/conda/activate.d/xgboost_activate.sh:16: = not found
:: ipp -- latest
:: ippcp -- latest
:: ipp -- latest
:: itac -- latest
:: mkl -- latest
:: mpi -- latest
:: tbb -- latest
:: vpl -- latest
:: vtune -- latest
:: oneAPI environment initialized ::
Secondly, As you can see, I have in this message of initialization an error :
/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/latest/etc/conda/activate.d/xgboost_activate.sh:16: = not found
I edited this file :
# Copyright 2003-2021 Intel Corporation.
# This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and
# your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were
# provided to you (License). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may
# not use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this
# software or the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
# This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express
# or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the
# License.
if [ "${OCL_ICD_FILENAMES}" == "" ]
export OCL_ICD_FILENAMES=libintelocl.so
Could this be a conflict with conda
or another thing?
Why do I get these problems on Linux? On MacOS 11.3, there is no issue.
The Oneapi /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh script for debian OS expects the default shell to be bash. The error is because you are using zsh and syntax difference in bash vs zsh.
The xgboost_activate.sh has the standard [] which is not supported by zsh. In zsh Double [[]] are to be used instead.
Double [[]] are an extension to the standard [] and are supported by bash and other shells (e.g. zsh, ksh).
You can replace '[' and ']' with '[[' and ']]' respectively in "/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/latest/etc/conda/activate.d/xgboost_activate.sh:16"
i.e replacing the below line
if [ "${OCL_ICD_FILENAMES}" == "" ]
if [[ "${OCL_ICD_FILENAMES}" == "" ]]