So: I'd like to count method calls in Rhino Mocks with something more specific than Any(), Once() or AtLeastOnce(). Is there any mechanism for doing this?
The trick is to use Repeat.Times(n), where n is the number of times.
Suprisingly the below test will pass, even if the method is called more often than expected:
public void expect_repeat_n_times_does_not_work_when_actual_greater_than_expected() {
const Int32 ActualTimesToCall = 6;
const Int32 ExpectedTimesToCall = 4;
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IExample>();
mock.Expect(example => example.ExampleMethod()).Repeat.Times(ExpectedTimesToCall);
for (var i = 0; i < ActualTimesToCall; i++) {
// [?] This one passes
To work around this use the below method:
public void aaa_repeat_n_times_does_work_when_actual_greater_than_expected() {
const Int32 ActualTimesToCall = 6;
const Int32 ExpectedTimesToCall = 4;
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IExample>();
for (var i = 0; i < ActualTimesToCall; i++) {
// This one fails (as expected)
example => example.ExampleMethod(),
options => options.Repeat.Times(ExpectedTimesToCall)
Source: (look there for an explanation)
EDIT: only edited to summarise at the start, thanks for the useful reply.