I want to generate packets in lognormal distribution in OMNeT++. I tried:
**.node_1.AppSource[0].sendInterval = lognormal(0.5,0.7)
However, it gave the error:
Cannot evaluate parameter 'sendInterval': Cannot convert unit none to 's' (second)
I see that only uniform, exponential, normal and truncnormal distributions have SimTime version. The other distributions like lognormal are in SIM_API double, so they don't have a unit.
How can I send packets with intervals in lognormal distribution in OMNeT++?
Yes, it is true that lognormal does not accept a unit in arguments.
However, one may use the following workaround to obtain random value with the unit:
**.node_1.AppSource[0].sendInterval = lognormal(0.5, 0.7)*1s