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Get type of value within JSON object using Groovy

I'm having the following JSON object which I want to check

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() 
import groovy.json.JsonOutput;

def object = jsonSlurper.parseText '''
  "id" : 10,
  "docType" : "PDF",
  "values" : {
      "color" : "red",
      "pages" : 2,
  "versions" : [
      "verNum" : 1,
      "desc" : "This is the description for it"
// def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText("""[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": true}, {"a": 4, "b": 5, "c": 6, "d": "Hello"}]""")
// def content = object.collectEntries{ 
//    it.collectEntries{ 
//        [it.key,] 
//    } 

//println content

I want to iterate through each of the keys and check for the type using Groovy, for example: id - java.lang.Integer, docType - java.lang.String, values.color - java.lang.String, verNum within the object within the array will be java.lang.Integer

I have searched for a few different ways but most of them won't work in my case. One of them are now commented on as in the code above.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated!


  • Something like this:

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def object = new JsonSlurper().parseText '''
      "id" : 10,
      "docType" : "PDF",
      "values" : {
          "color" : "red",
          "pages" : 2,
      "versions" : [
          "verNum" : 1,
          "desc" : "This is the description for it"
    def res = [:]
    def traverser
    traverser = { Map m ->
      m.each{ k, v ->   
        switch( v ){
          case Map:
            res[ k ] = Map
            traverser v
          case List:
            res[ k ] = List
            v.each traverser
            res[ k ] = v?.getClass()
    traverser object
    def simple = res.collectEntries{ k, v -> [ k, v.simpleName ] }
    assert simple.toString() == '[id:Integer, docType:String, values:Map, color:String, pages:Integer, versions:List, verNum:Integer, desc:String]'