I have a block that I need to indent 3 characters right.
Currently my vim has for default settings an indentation of eight characters, and I don't want to change it.
I need do to this in order to indent blocks that are sometimes under a
* ....
- ...
For example, to have this output :
The wished output :
The ouput I'm willing to see.
Instead of this one :
The one that isn't properly indented
There, keeping an indentation of eight character wouldn't word : markdown would not interpret the block correctly anymore.
What is the proper command to indent, let's say, the five lines from my cursor with 3 spaces ?
That makes
and this
and this
and this
and this
becoming :
and this
and this
and this
and this
There are so many ways to do that…
to select the first column of each lines in visual-block mode.I <Esc>
.:'<,'>norm I
.Instead of starting from visual mode, which inserts the '<,'>
range for you, use an explicit range. In this case, it could be: :1,5norm I
, or :,+4norm I
, or any other contextually valid range.
Essentially the same starting point as the two methods above but with a substitution instead of :norm
:[range]s/^/ /
or <Down>
.In short: I <Esc>j.j.j.j.
A possibly more scalable variant of the above:
Prepend the first line with three spaces: I
Move the cursor to the line below: j
or <Down>
Visually select the remaining lines or use an explicit range to repeat the last normal mode command on the desired lines:
:[range]norm .
And so on…
See :help motion.txt
, the most mind-blowing part of the whole documentation, and :help user-manual
for the easiest to follow and most comprehensive text editor tutorial ever.