How can I place a value inside a Textarea HTML tag in the Odoo website template views?
The code I have below is not working in every case scenario, I want the text area to show a value if there is an existing value inside the project field if not then there shouldn't be a value inside the text area. I also noticed that the t-field returns the saved data in the database as rendered HTML content which is also an issue because if the data has a new line then the content inside the text area contains HTML tags e.g instead
of new line <br>
is shown as a value inside the text area.
<textarea class="form-control textarea-resize new_project_job_description"
t-field="project_job_description or project.job_description"/>
Try this:
<textarea class="form-control textarea-resize new_project_job_description"
<t t-esc="project.job_description"/>