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ng-hide="true" is not hiding the element

I'm using Angular 11. Somehow I can't make this div disappear: My simple HTML :

<div ng-hide="true">Test</div>

Result -> The Text Test still appears on my page.


  • In Angular2+ there is no directive with ng- format. This format is available only for angular.js. But you know there is almost equivalent directive in Angular2+.

    For your question there are some ways to do the same behavior of ng-hide:

    First one is: [hidden]=true:

    <div [hidden]="true">…content..</div>

    Second one is: *ngIf

    <div *ngIf=”bolShow”>…content…</div>

    Third one is style binding like this: [style.visibility]

    <div [style.visibility]="bolShow ? 'visible' : 'hidden'">…content…</div>