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AppleScript - relinking file in Indesign - Cannot create the link resource from the given URI

I am trying to make a Folder action in Automator, which duplicates specific .indd file, opens it in InDesign and then relinks "test1.png" with a file that was dropped in the folder, which is bound to the Automator action.

I can get it working with hardcoded file path, but if I try getting the file path dynamically it gives me error "Cannot create the link resource from the given URI"

It's probably something very simple, but I am new to AppleScript and can't figure it out.


on run {input, parameters}

tell application "Finder"
    set filename to name of file input
end tell

tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
    if document 1 exists then
        tell document 1
            relink link "test1.png" to "Macintosh HD" & filename
                update link "test1.png"
            end try
        end tell
    end if
end tell

return input

end run


  • I don't have Adobe InDesign to be able to test this but try this.

    on run {input, parameters}
    set theFile to input's item 1
    tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
        if document 1 exists then
            tell document 1
                relink link "test1.png" to theFile
                    update link "test1.png"
                end try
            end tell
        end if
    end tell
    end run