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QML mediaplayer does not show metaData for mp3 streams

Given the following code:

Item {
   id: mainPage
   anchors.fill: parent

   function getMetaData(metaData) {
         var text = ""

         text += "title: " + metaData.title + "\n"
         text += "subTitle: " + metaData.subTitle + "\n"
         text += "author: " + + "\n"
         text += "comment: " + metaData.comment + "\n"
         text += "description: " + metaData.description + "\n"
         text += "category: " + metaData.category + "\n"
         text += "genre: " + metaData.genre + "\n"
         text += "language: " + metaData.language + "\n"
         text += "albumTitle: " + metaData.albumTitle + "\n"
         text += "albumArtist: " + metaData.albumArtist + "\n"
         text += "coverArtUrlSmall: " + metaData.coverArtUrlSmall + "\n"
         text += "coverArtUrlLarge: " + metaData.coverArtUrlLarge + "\n"
         text += "posterUrl: " + metaData.posterUrl + "\n"

      return text

   MediaPlayer {
      id: audioPlayer
      audioRole: MusicRole
      source:      ""
      //source: ""
      //source: ";skey:1583698207"

      onPlaybackStateChanged: {
         console.log("State: " + audioPlayer.status + " Meta data: \n" + getMetaData(audioPlayer.metaData));

The audio streams I have tried will playback just fine. However I am unable to retrieve meta data for the streams. E.g. title, artist, and so on. All of the meta fields will just be "undefined".

I have tried several streams, none would show any meta data. Yet I am sure the stream provides those infos, since other player applications will show title, artist, etc.

I have tried other approaches (like here), but still I don't get any metadata.

I am on ubuntu touch, if that matters, and app armor policies are ["audio", "networking"] (also tried music_files_read, didn't help).

Can anyone help me out?


  • you forget some little things:

    1.audioRole: MediaPlayer.MusicRole

    2. mainPage.getMetaData(audioPlayer.metaData)); you should call mainPage id and then call its function.

    here is correct code :

    Item {
        id: mainPage
        anchors.fill: parent
        function getMetaData(metaData) {
            var text = ""
            text += "title: " + metaData.title + "\n"
            text += "subTitle: " + metaData.subTitle + "\n"
            text += "author: " + + "\n"
            text += "comment: " + metaData.comment + "\n"
            text += "description: " + metaData.description + "\n"
            text += "category: " + metaData.category + "\n"
            text += "genre: " + metaData.genre + "\n"
            text += "language: " + metaData.language + "\n"
            text += "albumTitle: " + metaData.albumTitle + "\n"
            text += "albumArtist: " + metaData.albumArtist + "\n"
            text += "coverArtUrlSmall: " + metaData.coverArtUrlSmall + "\n"
            text += "coverArtUrlLarge: " + metaData.coverArtUrlLarge + "\n"
            text += "posterUrl: " + metaData.posterUrl + "\n"
            return text
        MediaPlayer {
            id: audioPlayer
            audioRole: MediaPlayer.MusicRole
            source:      ""
            //source: ""
            //source: ";skey:1583698207"
            metaData.onMetaDataChanged: {
                console.log("State: " + audioPlayer.status + " Meta data: \n" + mainPage.getMetaData(audioPlayer.metaData));

    here is out put :

    enter image description here

    As you see in this picture it shows genre: Pop

    I test another music from this site and print another metadata , undefined means that the source doesn't have this metaData .