Type system in haskell seem to be very Important and I wanted to clarify some terms revolving around haskell type system.
Some type classes
After using :info
I found that Functor
is a type class, Applicative
is a type class with =>
(deriving?) Functor
and Monad
deriving Applicative
type class.
I've read that Maybe
is a Monad, does that mean Maybe
is also Applicative
and Functor
When i define a type
data Maybe = Just a | Nothing
and check :t Just
I get Just :: a -> Maybe a
. How to read this ->
It confuses me with the function where a -> b
means it evaluates a
to b
(sort of returns a maybe) – I tend to think lhs to rhs association but it turns when defining types?
The term type is used in ambiguous ways, Type, Type Class, Type Constructor, Concrete Type etc... I would like to know what they mean to be exact
Indeed the word “type” is used in somewhat ambiguous ways.
The perhaps most practical way to look at it is that a type is just a set of values. For example, Bool
is the finite set containing the values True
and False
Mathematically, there are subtle differences between the concepts of set and type, but they aren't really important for a programmer to worry about. But you should in general consider the sets to be infinite, for example Integer
contains arbitrarily big numbers.
The most obvious way to define a type is with a data
declaration, which in the simplest case just lists all the values:
data Colour = Red | Green | Blue
There we have a type which, as a set, contains three values.
Concrete type is basically what we say to make it clear that we mean the above: a particular type that corresponds to a set of values. Bool
is a concrete type, that can easily be understood as a data
definition, but also String
, Maybe Integer
and Double -> IO String
are concrete types, though they don't correspond to any single data
What a concrete type can't have is type variables†, nor can it be an incompletely applied type constructor. For example, Maybe
is not a concrete type.
So what is a type constructor? It's the type-level analogue to value constructors. What we mean mathematically by “constructor” in Haskell is an injective function, i.e. a function f where if you're given f(x) you can clearly identify what was x. Furthermore, any different constructors are assumed to have disjoint ranges, which means you can also identify f.‡
is an example of a value constructor, but it complicates the discussion that it also has a type parameter. Let's consider a simplified version:
data MaybeInt = JustI Int | NothingI
Now we have
JustI :: Int -> MaybeInt
That's how JustI
is a function. Like any function of the same signature, it can be applied to argument values of the right type, like, you can write JustI 5
What it means for this function to be injective is that I can define a variable, say,
quoxy :: MaybeInt
quoxy = JustI 9328
and then I can pattern match with the JustI
> case quoxy of { JustI n -> print n }
This would not be possible with a general function of the same signature:
foo :: Int -> MaybeInt
foo i = JustI $ negate i
> case quoxy of { foo n -> print n }
<interactive>:5:17: error: Parse error in pattern: foo
Note that constructors can be nullary, in which case the injective property is meaningless because there is no contained data / arguments of the injective function. Nothing
and True
are examples of nullary constructors.
Type constructors are the same idea as value constructors: type-level functions that can be pattern-matched. Any type-name defined with data
is a type constructor, for example Bool
, Colour
and Maybe
are all type constructors. Bool
and Colour
are nullary, but Maybe
is a unary type constructor: it takes a type argument and only the result is then a concrete type.
So unlike value-level functions, type-level functions are kind of by default type constructors. There are also type-level functions that aren't constructors, but they require -XTypeFamilies
A type class may be understood as a set of types, in the same vein as a type can be seen as a set of values. This is not quite accurate, it's closer to true to say a class is a set of type constructors but again it's not as useful to ponder the mathematical details – better to look at examples.
There are two main differences between type-as-set-of-values and class-as-set-of-types:
declaration, you need to immediately describe what values are allowed. By contrast, a class
is defined “empty”, and then the instances are defined later on, possibly in a different module.data
type basically enumerates all the values so they can be identified again. Classes meanwhile aren't generally concerned with identifying types, rather they specify properties that the element-types fulfill. These properties come in the form of methods of a class. For example, the instances of the Num
class are types that have the property that you can add elements together.You could say, Haskell is statically typed on the value level (fixed sets of values in each type), but duck-typed on the type level (classes just require that somebody somewhere implements the necessary methods).
A simplified version of the Num
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
instance Num Int where
0 + x = x
x + y = ...
If the +
operator weren't already defined in the prelude, you would now be able to use it with Int
numbers. Then later on, perhaps in a different module, you could also make it usable with new, custom number types:
data MyNumberType = BinDigits [Bool]
instance Num MyNumberType where
BinDigits [] + BinDigits l = BinDigits l
BinDigits (False:ds) + BinDigits (False:es)
= BinDigits (False : ...)
Unlike Num
, the Functor
type classes are not classes of types, but of 1-ary type constructors. I.e. every functor is a type constructor taking one argument to make it a concrete type. For instance, recall that Maybe
is a 1-ary type constructor.
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a->b) -> f a -> f b
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
As you have concluded yourself, Applicative
is a subclass of Functor
. D being a subclass of C means basically that D is a subset of the set of type constructors in C. Therefore, yes, if Maybe
is an instance of Monad
it also is an instance of Functor
‡This is not guaranteed to be true if the -XPatternSynonyms
extension is used.