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How to get negative values plotted in reactable bar chart?

I'm having some difficulty getting my negative bar chart to appear in my reactable table. I have example code below and as you'll see, my positive values are plotted, but not my negative ones. I'm stuck on what I'm missing, so any help will be greatly appreciated.



bar_chart_pos_neg <- function(label, value, height = "16px",
                              pos_fill = "green", neg_fill = "red") {
  pos_chart <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
  neg_chart <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
  width <- value
  if (value < 0) {
    bar <- div(style = list(marginLeft = "8px", background = neg_fill, width = width, height = height))
    chart <- div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center", justifyContent = "flex-end"), label, bar)
    neg_chart <- tagAppendChild(neg_chart, chart)
  } else {
    bar <- div(style = list(marginRight = "8px", background = pos_fill, width = width, height = height))
    chart <- div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), bar, label)
    pos_chart <- tagAppendChild(pos_chart, chart)
  div(style = list(display = "flex"), neg_chart, pos_chart)

data <- data.frame(
  Spread = c(3.8741435, -10.7573310, 6.8234219, 10.1194614, 3.6772631,
             -4.2870001, 4.9933226, 2.6914581, -7.0133144, 4.9004934,
             -8.6499655, -1.4826557, -0.2060462, 0.3289249, -2.1613399,

reactable(data, bordered = TRUE, columns = list(
  Spread = colDef(
    name = "Spread",
    cell = function(value) {
      label <- paste0(round(value), " pts")
      bar_chart_pos_neg(label, value)
    align = "center",
    minWidth = 400


  • The value for width should be positive.

    width <- abs(value)