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How to specify controller in ActionLink html helper in C#

I have a web application developed in ASP.NET MVC3 with C# and Razor.

I would like to call a specific Action Method of a specific Controller by using the ActionLink HTML helper. I know that the second parameter of ActionLink specifies the Action Method to be called from the Default route, which is the only one in my Global.asax file:

            "Default", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Index", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

I would like to call the Download Action Method from the Home Controller instead of Index. This does not work:

@Html.ActionLink("Presentation", "Download", "Home", new { topicId = topic.TopicId } )

It requires as third parameter a type Object but I cannot find on the web any example.

What are the steps needed in order to call a specific Controller/ActionMethod? Shall I create another route in my Global.asas file?



  • Try this one:

    @Html.ActionLink("Download", "Download", new { controller = "Home",  Id = topic.TopicId });

    The third parameter, object: routeValues, is used as dictionary in MVC. Phil Haacked blogged about the decision for using object as route values.

    Your overload function is not working because you are calling this method. String is also object. So, you are passing "Home" as routeValues and new { topicId = topic.Id} as htmlAttributes. :)