Search code examples

Prevent MouseArea from catching clicks within child rect

I have a fullscreen map, on which I added a mouse area:

   Map {
      id: map
      anchors.fill: parent
      plugin: osm
      zoomLevel: 16
      minimumZoomLevel: 13
      maximumZoomLevel: 20

      gesture.enabled: true

      Rectangle {
         id: infoPanel
         // ...

         Button {
            // ...

      MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onPressed: {
               infoPanel.visible = false

The infoPanel rect will ocasionally be made visible, overlaying the map with some information, and a button to trigger a certain action.

Now I have added the mouse area to the map in order to hide the info panel whenever the map is clicked, which works fine.

However, the info panel is also dismissed when the rectangle of the info panel itself is clicked.

How can I prevent the mouse area from the map to interfere with anything which is inside infoPanel?


  • you have to way:

    1. you must set z value of info panel to map.z + 1 and define mouse area for info panel to capture mouse event. like below code

      Map {
          id: map
          anchors.fill: parent
          plugin: osm
          zoomLevel: 16
          minimumZoomLevel: 13
          maximumZoomLevel: 20
          gesture.enabled: true
      Rectangle {
          id: infoPanel
          width: 100
          height: 100
          color: "red"
          z: map.z + 1
          MouseArea {
              anchors.fill: parent
              onClicked: {
                  print("info panel")
          Button {
              width: parent.width / 2
              height: width
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              text: "button"
              onClicked: {
      MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: parent
          onPressed: {
              infoPanel.visible = false


    2. or just move your mouse area to up of info panel

          Map {
          id: map
          anchors.fill: parent
          plugin: osm
          zoomLevel: 16
          minimumZoomLevel: 13
          maximumZoomLevel: 20
          gesture.enabled: true
      MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: parent
          onPressed: {
              infoPanel.visible = false
      Rectangle {
          id: infoPanel
          width: 100
          height: 100
          color: "red"
          MouseArea {
              anchors.fill: parent
              onClicked: {
                  print("info panel")
          Button {
              width: parent.width / 2
              height: width
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              text: "button"
              onClicked: {
