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Swapping elements in Array of Pointers

I have the following array in C (Used random names)

char * inputs[6] = {
  "Kangaroo my shoe", "Fly high dragonfly",
  "Philosophical Monkey", "Jumping Ape",
  "Fearful lemurs", "Tall Giraffes"

The goal is to swap the first element by the next. As in to do this

char * inputs[6] = {
  "Fly high dragonfly", "Kangaroo my shoe",
  "Jumping Ape", "Philosophical Monkey",
  "Tall Giraffes", "Fearful lemurs"

I have tried the following and some more.

ArrSwap(char *Arr[]){
  int i;
    void*temp = Arr[i];
    Arr[i+1] = temp;

Thanks in advance! I've spent some hours trying to figure this out, each time I do it it ends up with a messed up order or not swapping any elements expect for the first and last.


  • There are two problems in your code -

    1. In function ArrSwap() you are looping over index 0 to 5. So, when i becomes 5, Arr[i+1] points to Arr[6] which leads to read from a memory past your array bounds. Which is undefined behavior.
    2. Secondly, if I get your requirement correctly, you want to swap the first and second elements swapped, then third and fourth and so on. So, your code has a logic error. In that case, in ArrSwap() the loop needs to increment by 2 instead of 1.

    So the code may look like this after both issues are addressed -

    void ArrSwap(char *Arr[]){
        int i;
        for(i=0; i<5; i+=2) {
            char *temp = Arr[i];
            Arr[i+1] = temp;

    Notice there are following changes done in the ArrSwap() function -

    • The loop test condition changed from i < 6 to i < 5 (the reason mentioned in point 1 above). As ikegami mentioned, best practice would be to pass the array size as an argument (say n) and use n - 1 in loop condition.
    • The logic is fixed (as mentioned in point 2 above)
    • For swap, use char * instead of void * (The type of elements in Arr is char *)
    • The return type of ArrSwap() is mentioned as void. With void it is clearly conveyed that ArrSwap() will not return anything.

    After fix the inputs will be:

    {"Fly high dragonfly", "Kangaroo my shoe", "Jumping Ape", "Philosophical Monkey", "Tall Giraffes", "Fearful lemurs"}