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How to get the summation of values using gpath sum() in restassured on JSON Object

I was trying to find the summation of deceased count from JSON object extract from the following JSON response

Snippet from above is json

"Maharashtra": {
    "districtData": {
      "Ahmednagar": {
        "notes": "",
        "active": 4206,
        "confirmed": 275516,
        "migratedother": 1,
        "deceased": 5565,
        "recovered": 265744,
        "delta": {
          "confirmed": 559,
          "deceased": 4,
          "recovered": 0

I want to find the sum of the deceased from the state of Maharashtra. I know we can use collect on JSONArray but here is JSONObject. I tried following but to no avail

int value=jsonPath.get("Maharashtra.districtData.collect{it.deceased}.sum()");


  • There are 2 deceased keys in the object, I assume that you only want the deceased in the outer object. The simplest solution I get so far.

    void name3() {
        Response res = RestAssured.given()
        Map<String, ?> data = res.jsonPath().getMap("Maharashtra.districtData");
        Set<String> keys = data.keySet();
        int sum =
                .mapToInt(key ->
         , String.format("$.Maharashtra.districtData.[\"%s\"].deceased", key)))
        System.out.println(sum); //126851

    In case, you don't want to use Java8 stream.

    int sum = 0;
    for (String key : keys) {
        int deceased =, String.format("$.Maharashtra.districtData.[\"%s\"].deceased", key));
        sum += deceased;

    I use JsonPath (com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath)




    I come up with another solution, that using mapping POJO.

    void name4() {
        Response res = RestAssured.given()
        Configuration configuration = Configuration.builder()
                .jsonProvider(new JacksonJsonProvider())
                .mappingProvider(new JacksonMappingProvider())
        List<DistrictData> data = JsonPath.using(configuration).parse(res.asString())
                .read("$.Maharashtra.districtData.*", new TypeRef<>() {});
        int sum =;
        System.out.println(sum); //126851


    import lombok.Data;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class DistrictData {
        private String notes;
        private int active;
        private int confirmed;
        private int migratedother;
        private int deceased;
        private int recovered;
        private Map<String, Object> delta;