Well with two lines of code:
from pytube import YouTube print("Hello World")
I tried to make an executable with this command: pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import pytube --debug=all 123456.py
But when i run the exe, I have this error:
$ ./123456.exe [13364] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [13364] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist\123456.exe [13364] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist [13364] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is NULL [13364] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist\123456.exe [13364] LOADER: Cookie found at offset 0x6BE643 [13364] LOADER: Extracting binaries [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 with security string : D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\lib-dynload with sec urity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\asyncio with securit y string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\concurrent with secu rity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\concurrent\futures w ith security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\ctypes with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\distutils with secur ity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\email with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\html with security s tring: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\http with security s tring: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\importlib with secur ity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\json with security s tring: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\logging with securit y string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\multiprocessing with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\multiprocessing\dumm y with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001 ) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\pydoc_data with secu rity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\unittest with securi ty string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\urllib with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\xml with security st ring: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\xml\etree with secur ity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\xml\parsers with sec urity string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\xml\sax with securit y string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: creating directory C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\xmlrpc with security string: D:(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-2491018127-1704774179-573031757-1001) [13364] LOADER: Executing self as child [13364] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 [13364] LOADER: Setting up to run child [13364] LOADER: Creating child process [13364] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish... [9392] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [9392] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist\123456.exe [9392] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist [9392] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 [9392] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist\123456.exe [9392] LOADER: Cookie found at offset 0x6BE643 [9392] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642) [9392] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code. [9392] LOADER: manifestpath: C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\123456.exe.manifest [9392] LOADER: Error activating the context: ActivateActCtx: ╠ώά Ώ±Ύ≤Ώ▄ϋίώά Ύ±ώ≤ΉΎ² Ώί±ώέ▄ΈΈΎΊΪΎ≥ Ώ±ΎίΏώΈίήΉ▌Ίύ≥ ίΊί±ήΎΏΎ▀ύ≤ύ≥ ϊώί±ήά≤▀ά≥ άΏ▌ ΪΫ≈ί, ίΏίώϊ▐ ΪΎ Ώί±ώέ▄ΈΈΎΊ Ώ±ΎίΏώΈίήΉ▌Ίύ≥ ίΊί±ήΎΏΎ▀ύ≤ύ≥ ϊώί±ήά≤▀ά≥ ί▀≈ί ▐ϊύ Ύ±ώ≤ Ϊί▀. [9392] LOADER: Python library: C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\libpython3.8.dll [9392] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library. [9392] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix) [9392] LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 [9392] LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\base_library.zip;C: \msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\lib-dynload;C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 [9392] LOADER: Setting runtime options [9392] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename 123456.exe.manif est [9392] LOADER: Runtime option: v [9392] LOADER: Initializing python import _frozen_importlib # frozen import _imp # builtin import '_thread' # import '_warnings' # import '_weakref' # import '_frozen_importlib_external' # import '_io' # import 'marshal' # import 'nt' # import _thread # previously loaded ('_thread') import '_thread' # import _weakref # previously loaded ('_weakref') import '_weakref' # import 'winreg' # # installing zipimport hook import 'time' # import 'zipimport' # # installed zipimport hook # zipimport: found 148 names in 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip' import '_codecs' # import codecs # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/codecs .pyc import encodings.aliases # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library .zip/encodings/aliases.pyc import encodings # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/enc odings/__init__.pyc import encodings.utf_8 # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.z ip/encodings/utf_8.pyc import encodings.cp1253 # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library. zip/encodings/cp1253.pyc import '_signal' # import encodings.latin_1 # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library .zip/encodings/latin_1.pyc import '_abc' # import abc # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/abc.pyc import io # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/io.pyc [9392] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path [9392] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\base_library.zip;C :\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642\lib-dynload;C:\msys64\tmp\_MEI133642 [9392] LOADER: Setting sys.argv [9392] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS [9392] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive [9392] LOADER: extracted struct [9392] LOADER: callfunction returned... # extension module '_struct' loaded from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642\\lib-dynlo ad/_struct-cpython-38.dll' # extension module '_struct' executed from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642\\lib-dyn load/_struct-cpython-38.dll' import '_struct' # [9392] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path [9392] LOADER: callfunction returned... [9392] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive [9392] LOADER: callfunction returned... # extension module 'zlib' loaded from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642\\lib-dynload/ zlib-cpython-38.dll' # extension module 'zlib' executed from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642\\lib-dynloa d/zlib-cpython-38.dll' import 'zlib' # [9392] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers [9392] LOADER: callfunction returned... [9392] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules. [9392] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz [9392] LOADER: Running pyiboot01_bootstrap.py # PyInstaller: FrozenImporter(C:\Users\Χρήστος\Desktop\dist\123456.exe?7057213) # os not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642/os.pyc' # stat not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642/stat.pyc' import '_stat' # import 'stat' # # _collections_abc not found in PYZ import _collections_abc # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library. zip/_collections_abc.pyc # ntpath not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642/ntpath.pyc' # genericpath not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:\\msys64\\tmp\\_MEI133642/genericpath.pyc' import 'genericpath' # import 'ntpath' # import 'os' # # ctypes not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/ctypes/__init__.pyc' # _ctypes not found in PYZ # extension module '_ctypes' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/_ ctypes-cpython-38.dll' # extension module '_ctypes' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload /_ctypes-cpython-38.dll' import '_ctypes' # # ctypes._endian not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/ctypes/_endian.pyc' import 'ctypes._endian' # import 'ctypes' # [9392] LOADER: Running pyi_rth_multiprocessing.py # re not found in PYZ # enum not found in PYZ # types not found in PYZ import types # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/types.p yc import enum # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/enum.pyc # sre_compile not found in PYZ import '_sre' # # sre_parse not found in PYZ # sre_constants not found in PYZ import sre_constants # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip /sre_constants.pyc import sre_parse # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/sre _parse.pyc import sre_compile # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/s re_compile.pyc # functools not found in PYZ # collections not found in PYZ # operator not found in PYZ import '_operator' # import operator # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/oper ator.pyc # keyword not found in PYZ import keyword # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/keywo rd.pyc # heapq not found in PYZ # _heapq not found in PYZ # extension module '_heapq' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/_h eapq-cpython-38.dll' # extension module '_heapq' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/ _heapq-cpython-38.dll' import '_heapq' # import heapq # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/heapq.p yc import 'itertools' # # reprlib not found in PYZ import reprlib # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/reprl ib.pyc import '_collections' # import collections # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/c ollections/__init__.pyc import '_functools' # import functools # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/fun ctools.pyc import '_locale' # # copyreg not found in PYZ import copyreg # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/copyr eg.pyc import re # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/re.pyc # multiprocessing not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/__init__.pyc' # multiprocessing.context not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/context.pyc' # threading not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/threading.pyc' # _weakrefset not found in PYZ import _weakrefset # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/_ weakrefset.pyc import 'threading' # # multiprocessing.process not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/process.pyc' # signal not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/signal.pyc' import 'signal' # import 'multiprocessing.process' # # multiprocessing.reduction not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/reduction.pyc' # pickle not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/pickle.pyc' # _compat_pickle not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/_compat_pickle.pyc' import '_compat_pickle' # # _pickle not found in PYZ # extension module '_pickle' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/_ pickle-cpython-38.dll' # extension module '_pickle' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload /_pickle-cpython-38.dll' import '_pickle' # # org not found in PYZ import 'pickle' # # socket not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/socket.pyc' # _socket not found in PYZ # extension module '_socket' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/_ socket-cpython-38.dll' # extension module '_socket' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload /_socket-cpython-38.dll' import '_socket' # # selectors not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/selectors.pyc' # collections.abc not found in PYZ import collections.abc # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.z ip/collections/abc.pyc # math not found in PYZ # extension module 'math' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/math -cpython-38.dll' # extension module 'math' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/ma th-cpython-38.dll' import 'math' # # select not found in PYZ # extension module 'select' loaded from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/se lect-cpython-38.dll' # extension module 'select' executed from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/lib-dynload/ select-cpython-38.dll' import 'select' # import 'selectors' # import 'errno' # import 'socket' # import '_winapi' # import 'multiprocessing.reduction' # import 'multiprocessing.context' # import 'multiprocessing' # # multiprocessing.spawn not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/spawn.pyc' # runpy not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/runpy.pyc' # importlib not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/importlib/__init__.pyc' # warnings not found in PYZ import warnings # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/warn ings.pyc import 'importlib' # # importlib.machinery not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/importlib/machinery.pyc' import 'importlib.machinery' # # importlib.util not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/importlib/util.pyc' # importlib.abc not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/importlib/abc.pyc' import 'importlib.abc' # # contextlib not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/contextlib.pyc' import 'contextlib' # import 'importlib.util' # # pkgutil not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/pkgutil.pyc' # weakref not found in PYZ import weakref # loaded from Zip C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/base_library.zip/weakr ef.pyc import 'pkgutil' # import 'runpy' # # multiprocessing.util not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/util.pyc' import 'atexit' # # subprocess not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/subprocess.pyc' import 'msvcrt' # import 'subprocess' # import 'multiprocessing.util' # import 'multiprocessing.spawn' # # multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32 not found in PYZ # code object from 'C:/msys64/tmp/_MEI133642/multiprocessing/popen_spawn_win32.p yc' import 'multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32' # [9392] LOADER: Running 123456.py # pytube not found in PYZ Traceback (most recent call last): File "123456.py", line 1, in File "", line 991, in _find_and_load File "", line 973, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytube' [9392] Failed to execute script 123456 [9392] LOADER: OK. [9392] LOADER: Manually flushing stdout and stderr [9392] LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter. # clear builtins._ # clear sys.path # clear sys.argv # clear sys.ps1 # clear sys.ps2 # clear sys.last_type # clear sys.last_value # clear sys.last_traceback # clear sys.path_hooks # clear sys.path_importer_cache # clear sys.meta_path # clear sys.__interactivehook__ # restore sys.stdin # restore sys.stdout # restore sys.stderr # cleanup[2] removing sys # cleanup[2] removing builtins # cleanup[2] removing _frozen_importlib # cleanup[2] removing _imp # cleanup[2] removing _warnings # cleanup[2] removing _frozen_importlib_external # cleanup[2] removing _io # cleanup[2] removing marshal # cleanup[2] removing nt # cleanup[2] removing _thread # cleanup[2] removing _weakref # cleanup[2] removing winreg # cleanup[2] removing time # cleanup[2] removing zipimport # cleanup[2] removing _codecs # cleanup[2] removing codecs # cleanup[2] removing encodings.aliases # cleanup[2] removing encodings # cleanup[2] removing encodings.utf_8 # cleanup[2] removing encodings.cp1253 # cleanup[2] removing _signal # cleanup[2] removing __main__ # cleanup[2] removing encodings.latin_1 # cleanup[2] removing _abc # cleanup[2] removing abc # cleanup[2] removing io # cleanup[2] removing struct # cleanup[2] removing _struct # cleanup[2] removing pyimod01_os_path # cleanup[2] removing pyimod02_archive # cleanup[2] removing zlib # cleanup[2] removing pyimod03_importers # cleanup[2] removing _stat # cleanup[2] removing stat # cleanup[2] removing _collections_abc # cleanup[2] removing genericpath # cleanup[2] removing ntpath # cleanup[2] removing os.path # cleanup[2] removing os # cleanup[2] removing _ctypes # cleanup[2] removing ctypes._endian # cleanup[2] removing ctypes # cleanup[2] removing types # cleanup[2] removing enum # cleanup[2] removing _sre # cleanup[2] removing sre_constants # destroy sre_constants # cleanup[2] removing sre_parse # cleanup[2] removing sre_compile # cleanup[2] removing _operator # cleanup[2] removing operator # destroy operator # cleanup[2] removing keyword # destroy keyword # cleanup[2] removing _heapq # cleanup[2] removing heapq # cleanup[2] removing itertools # cleanup[2] removing reprlib # destroy reprlib # cleanup[2] removing _collections # cleanup[2] removing collections # destroy collections # cleanup[2] removing _functools # cleanup[2] removing functools # cleanup[2] removing _locale # cleanup[2] removing copyreg # cleanup[2] removing re # cleanup[2] removing _weakrefset # destroy _weakrefset # cleanup[2] removing threading # cleanup[2] removing signal # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.process # cleanup[2] removing _compat_pickle # cleanup[2] removing _pickle # cleanup[2] removing pickle # cleanup[2] removing _socket # cleanup[2] removing collections.abc # cleanup[2] removing math # cleanup[2] removing select # cleanup[2] removing selectors # cleanup[2] removing errno # cleanup[2] removing socket # cleanup[2] removing _winapi # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.reduction # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.context # cleanup[2] removing __mp_main__ # destroy __main__ # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing # cleanup[2] removing importlib._bootstrap # cleanup[2] removing importlib._bootstrap_external # cleanup[2] removing warnings # cleanup[2] removing importlib # cleanup[2] removing importlib.machinery # cleanup[2] removing importlib.abc # cleanup[2] removing contextlib # cleanup[2] removing importlib.util # cleanup[2] removing weakref # cleanup[2] removing pkgutil # destroy pkgutil # cleanup[2] removing runpy # cleanup[2] removing atexit # cleanup[2] removing msvcrt # cleanup[2] removing subprocess # destroy subprocess # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.util # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.spawn # cleanup[2] removing multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32 # cleanup[3] wiping multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32 # cleanup[3] wiping multiprocessing.spawn # destroy runpy # cleanup[3] wiping multiprocessing.util # destroy weakref # cleanup[3] wiping msvcrt # cleanup[3] wiping atexit # destroy atexit # cleanup[3] wiping importlib.util # cleanup[3] wiping contextlib # cleanup[3] wiping importlib.abc # cleanup[3] wiping importlib.machinery # cleanup[3] wiping importlib # destroy importlib.machinery # destroy importlib.abc # destroy importlib.util # cleanup[3] wiping warnings # cleanup[3] wiping importlib._bootstrap_external # cleanup[3] wiping importlib._bootstrap # cleanup[3] wiping multiprocessing # destroy multiprocessing.util # cleanup[3] wiping multiprocessing.context # destroy multiprocessing.process # destroy multiprocessing.reduction # cleanup[3] wiping _winapi # cleanup[3] wiping socket # destroy selectors # cleanup[3] wiping errno # cleanup[3] wiping select # cleanup[3] wiping math # cleanup[3] wiping collections.abc # cleanup[3] wiping _socket # destroy _socket # cleanup[3] wiping pickle # destroy _compat_pickle # cleanup[3] wiping _pickle # cleanup[3] wiping signal # cleanup[3] wiping threading # cleanup[3] wiping re # destroy enum # destroy sre_compile # cleanup[3] wiping copyreg # cleanup[3] wiping _locale # destroy _locale # cleanup[3] wiping functools # cleanup[3] wiping _functools # destroy _functools # cleanup[3] wiping _collections # cleanup[3] wiping itertools # cleanup[3] wiping heapq # cleanup[3] wiping _heapq # destroy _heapq # cleanup[3] wiping _operator # cleanup[3] wiping sre_parse # cleanup[3] wiping _sre # cleanup[3] wiping types # cleanup[3] wiping ctypes # destroy ctypes._endian # cleanup[3] wiping _ctypes # cleanup[3] wiping os # destroy ntpath # cleanup[3] wiping genericpath # cleanup[3] wiping _collections_abc # cleanup[3] wiping stat # cleanup[3] wiping _stat # destroy _stat # cleanup[3] wiping pyimod03_importers # cleanup[3] wiping zlib # cleanup[3] wiping pyimod02_archive # destroy zlib # cleanup[3] wiping pyimod01_os_path # cleanup[3] wiping _struct # cleanup[3] wiping struct # destroy _struct # cleanup[3] wiping io # destroy abc # cleanup[3] wiping _abc # cleanup[3] wiping encodings.latin_1 # cleanup[3] wiping _signal # destroy _signal # cleanup[3] wiping encodings.cp1253 # cleanup[3] wiping encodings.utf_8 # cleanup[3] wiping encodings # destroy codecs # destroy encodings.aliases # destroy encodings.utf_8 # destroy encodings.cp1253 # destroy encodings.latin_1 # cleanup[3] wiping _codecs # cleanup[3] wiping zipimport # destroy _frozen_importlib_external # cleanup[3] wiping time # cleanup[3] wiping winreg # destroy winreg # cleanup[3] wiping _weakref # cleanup[3] wiping _thread # cleanup[3] wiping nt # cleanup[3] wiping marshal # cleanup[3] wiping _io # destroy io # cleanup[3] wiping _warnings # cleanup[3] wiping _imp # destroy _imp # cleanup[3] wiping _frozen_importlib # cleanup[3] wiping sys # cleanup[3] wiping builtins # destroy _abc # destroy stat # destroy genericpath # destroy encodings # destroy ctypes # destroy re # destroy multiprocessing # destroy multiprocessing.spawn # destroy multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32 # destroy errno # destroy contextlib # destroy time # destroy msvcrt # destroy _warnings # destroy _sre # destroy sre_parse # destroy signal # destroy threading # destroy copyreg # destroy functools # destroy pickle # destroy socket # destroy multiprocessing.context # destroy _winapi # destroy io # destroy types # destroy _pickle # destroy nt # destroy _operator # destroy heapq # destroy _collections # destroy collections.abc # destroy _thread # destroy _weakref # destroy _collections_abc # destroy itertools # destroy importlib # destroy os # destroy warnings # destroy zipimport # destroy math # destroy select # destroy _frozen_importlib # clear sys.audit hooks [13364] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: 1) [13364] LOADER: Doing cleanup [13364] LOADER: Freeing archive status for C:\Users\╫±▐≤ΪΎ≥\Desktop\dist\123456. exe
All that in windows 10 under msys2 mingw64.
What's wrong? Any advice would be useful.
I don't exactly know what's wrong with your PyInstaller Command but maybe you could try the Auto-Py-To-Exe tool. I find it really help full. It's a graphical user interface where you can select all options you want. You can install it with
C:\Users\YourUser> pip install auto-py-to-exe
and run it with
C:\Users\YourUser> auto-py-to-exe
I hope I could help you