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Java Spark ML - prediction/forecast with Spark ML 3.1+ issue

Small question regarding prediction/forecast using Spark ML 3.1+ please.

I have a dataset, very simple, of timestamps for when an event happened.

The dataset is very simple, here is a small portion, of the very very very big file.

        |      time|label|
        |1621900800|   43|
        |1619568000|   41|
        |1620432000|   41|
        |1623974400|   42|
        |1620604800|   41|
        |1622505600|   42|
        |1624665600|   42|
        |1623715200|   41|
        |1623024000|   43|
        |1623888000|   42|
        |1621296000|   42|
        |1620691200|   44|
        |1620345600|   41|
        |1625702400|   44|
        only showing top 20 rows

The dataset is really just a timestamp representing a day, on the left, and on the right, the number of banana sold that day. Example of the first three rows of above sample translated.

        +------    ----+--            ---+
        |          time|            value|
        +-------    ---+-----+
        |May   25, 2021|   banana sold 43|
        |April 28, 2021|   banana sold 41|
        |May    8, 2021|   banana sold 41|

My goal is just to build a prediction model, how many "banana will be sold tomorrow, the day after, etc...

Therefore, I went to try Linear Regression, but it might bot be a good model for this problem:

VectorAssembler       vectorAssembler = new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(new String[]{"time", "label"}).setOutputCol("features");
        Dataset<Row>          vectorData      = vectorAssembler.transform(dataSetBanana);
        LinearRegression      lr              = new LinearRegression(); 
        LinearRegressionModel lrModel         =;
        System.out.println("Coefficients: " + lrModel.coefficients() + " Intercept: " + lrModel.intercept());
        LinearRegressionTrainingSummary trainingSummary = lrModel.summary();
        System.out.println("numIterations: " + trainingSummary.totalIterations());
        System.out.println("objectiveHistory: " + Vectors.dense(trainingSummary.objectiveHistory()));
        System.out.println("RMSE: " + trainingSummary.rootMeanSquaredError());
        System.out.println("r2: " + trainingSummary.r2());
        System.out.println("the magical prediction: " + lrModel.predict(new DenseVector(new double[]{1.0, 1.0})));

I see all the values printed, very happy.

Coefficients: [-1.5625735463489882E-19,1.0000000000000544] Intercept: 2.5338210784074846E-10
numIterations: 0
objectiveHistory: [0.0]

|           residuals|

RMSE: 3.0933584599870493E-13
r2: 1.0
the magical prediction: 1.0000000002534366

It is not giving me anything close to a prediction, I was expecting something like

|Some time in the future|   banana sold some prediction|
| 1626414043 | 38 |

May I ask what would be a model that can result an answer like "model predicts X banana will be sold at time Y in the future"

A small piece of code with result would be great.

Thank you


  • Linear regression can be a good start to get familiar with mllib before you go for more complicated models. First, let's have a look at when you have done so far.

    Your VectorAssembler transform your data frame that way:


    time label
    1621900800 43
    1620432000 41


    time label features
    1621900800 43 [1621900800;43]
    1620432000 41 [1620432000;41]

    Now, when you are asking LinearRegression to train its model, it will expect your dataset to contain two columns:

    • one column named features and containing a vector with everything that can be used to predict the label.
    • one column named label, what you want to predict

    Regression will find a and b which minimizes errors across all record i where:

    y_i = a * x_i + b + error_i

    In your particular setup, you have passed the label to your vector assembler, which is wrong, that's what you want to predict ! Your model has simply learnt that the label predicts perfectly the label:

    y = 0.0 * features[0] + 1.0 * features[1]

    So you should correct your VectorAssembler:

    val vectorAssembler = new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(new String[]{"time"}).setOutputCol("features");

    Now when you are doing your prediction, you had passed this:

    lrModel.predict(new DenseVector(new double[]{ 1.0,        1.0})));
                                                 timestamp   label

    It returned 1.0 as per formula above. Now if you change the VectorAssembler as proposed above, you should call the prediction that way:

    lrModel.predict(new DenseVector(new double[]{ timeStampIWantToPredict })));

    Side notes:

    • you can pass a dataset to your predictor, it will return a dataset with a new column with the prediction.
    • you should really have a closer look at Mllib Pipeline documentation
    • then you can try to add some new features to your linear regression : seasonality, auto regressive features...