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Yii2: Convert hasMany() relation into hasOne()

I need to be able to convert a hasMany() relation, which queries and return an array into a hasOne() relation which returns object|null.

Use case:

public function getItems() : \yii\db\ActiveQuery {
    return $this->hasMany(Item::class, ['parent_id' => 'id']);

I want to create a relation which returns one specific Item object (or null if it does not exist).

I would like to do something like this:

public function getPrimaryItem() : \yii\db\ActiveQuery {
    return $this->getItems()->andWhere(["primary"=>true])->toHasOne();

Please do not tell me to call ->one() on the original query, because that is not going to solve the problem. I need to be able to:

  • call $model->primaryItem and receive either Item or null
  • call $model->getPrimaryItem() and receive the relation's ActiveQuery


  • You can toggle it by multiple property of \yii\db\ActiveQuery

    public function getPrimaryItem() : \yii\db\ActiveQuery {
        $query =  $this->getItems();
        $query->multiple = false;
        //Your logics
        return $query;