My matrix calculation is: C=C-A*B
Here C is a symmetric matrix so I want to speed up this calculation by considering just the upper triangular and then take the opposite elelement. I used OMP and see that my implementation is slower than the normal calculation for the entire matrix C.
I also see that the calculation for C=C-AxB is slower than C=C+AxB.
My program is attached. Please advise me!
Program testspeed
implicit none
integer nstate,nmeas,i,j,l
integer(kind=8) :: tclock1, tclock2, clock_rate
real(kind=8) :: elapsed_time
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:):: B,C,A
nstate =20000
allocate (B(nmeas,nstate),C(nstate,nstate),A(nstate,nmeas))
call system_clock(tclock1)
write(*,*) "1"
!$omp parallel do
do j = 1, nstate
do l = 1,nmeas
do i = 1, j
C(j,i) = C(j,i) - A(j,l)*B(l,i)
end do
end do
end do
!$omp end parallel do
write(*,*) "2"
call system_clock(tclock2, clock_rate)
elapsed_time = float(tclock2 - tclock1) / float(clock_rate)
write(*,*) elapsed_time
end Program testspeed
One of the basic rules I have taught my students is that nobody should be writing dense matrix multiplies themselves nowadays - and should not have been doing for 30 years +. You should use the BLAS library instead. Below I compare using the BLAS library against your loop ordering and a better loop ordering, and also against the Fortran intrinsic function matmul
which I use as a reference to check the results are correct. BLAS and matmul
don't take advantage of the symmetry of C, yet they still are the fastest routines - BLAS is about 200-300 times quicker than the loop ordering you have written. Note I have also cut the matrix size down somewhat as I got bored waiting for the original to run for larger cases:
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ cat mm.f90
Program testspeed
Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : wp => real64, li => int64
Use omp_lib, Only : omp_get_max_threads
Implicit None
Integer nstate,nmeas,i,j,l
Integer(li) :: tclock1, tclock2, clock_rate
Real(wp) :: elapsed_time
Real( wp ), Allocatable, Dimension(:,:):: B,C,A
Real( wp ), Allocatable, Dimension(:,:):: C_test
Real( wp ), Allocatable, Dimension(:,:):: C_start
Write( *, * ) 'Using ', omp_get_max_threads(), ' threads'
!!$ nstate =2000
!!$ nmeas=1000
nstate = 5000
nmeas = 2500
Allocate (B(nmeas,nstate),C(nstate,nstate),A(nstate,nmeas))
Allocate( C_test, Mold = C )
Allocate( C_start, Mold = C )
!!$ A=1.0_wp
!!$ B=1.0_wp
! Random numbers are a much better test
Call Random_number( A )
B = Transpose( A ) ! make sure result is symmetric
Call Random_number( C_start )
! Make Initial C Symmetric
C_start = 0.5_wp * ( C_start + Transpose( C_start ) )
Write( *, * ) 'Matix sizes ', Shape( A ), Shape( B ), Shape( C )
C_test = C_start
Call system_Clock(tclock1)
C_test = C_test - Matmul( A, B )
Call system_Clock(tclock2, clock_rate)
elapsed_time = Real(tclock2 - tclock1,wp) / Real(clock_rate,wp)
Write( *,'( a, t20, f8.3 )' ) 'Matmul', elapsed_time
C = C_start
Call system_Clock(tclock1)
!$omp parallel do
Do j = 1, nstate
Do l = 1,nmeas
Do i = 1, j
C(j,i) = C(j,i) - A(j,l)*B(l,i)
End Do
End Do
End Do
!$omp end parallel do
Call system_Clock(tclock2, clock_rate)
elapsed_time = Real(tclock2 - tclock1,wp) / Real(clock_rate,wp)
Write(*,'( a, t20, f8.3, t30, "Max error ", g20.12 )' ) &
'Orig loops', elapsed_time, Maxval( Abs( C_test - C ) )
C = C_start
Call system_Clock(tclock1)
!$omp parallel default( none ) shared ( nstate, nmeas, A, B, C ), private( i, j, l )
!$omp do
Do i = 1, nstate
Do l = 1,nmeas
Do j = 1, i
C(j,i) = C(j,i) - A(j,l)*B(l,i)
End Do
End Do
End Do
!$omp end do
!$omp do
Do i = 1, nstate
Do j = 1, i
C( i, j ) = C( j, i )
End Do
End Do
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
Call system_Clock(tclock2, clock_rate)
elapsed_time = Real(tclock2 - tclock1,wp) / Real(clock_rate,wp)
Write(*,'( a, t20, f8.3, t30, "Max error ", g20.12 )' ) &
'Sensible loops', elapsed_time, Maxval( Abs( C_test - C ) )
C = C_start
Call system_Clock(tclock1)
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', nstate, nstate, nmeas, -1.0_wp, A, Size( A, Dim = 1 ), &
B, Size( B, Dim = 1 ), &
+1.0_wp, C, Size( C, Dim = 1 ) )
Call system_Clock(tclock2, clock_rate)
elapsed_time = Real(tclock2 - tclock1,wp) / Real(clock_rate,wp)
Write(*,'( a, t20, f8.3, t30, "Max error ", g20.12 )' ) &
'BLAS ', elapsed_time, Maxval( Abs( C_test - C ) )
End Program testspeed
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ gfortran -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -std=f2018 -O3 mm.f90 -lopenblas
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
Using 1 threads
Matix sizes 5000 2500 2500 5000 5000 5000
Matmul 4.793
Orig loops 421.564 Max error 0.488853402203E-11
Sensible loops 20.742 Max error 0.488853402203E-11
BLAS 2.185 Max error 0.682121026330E-12
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
Using 2 threads
Matix sizes 5000 2500 2500 5000 5000 5000
Matmul 4.968
Orig loops 324.319 Max error 0.466116034659E-11
Sensible loops 17.656 Max error 0.466116034659E-11
BLAS 1.161 Max error 0.682121026330E-12
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=3
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
Using 3 threads
Matix sizes 5000 2500 2500 5000 5000 5000
Matmul 4.852
Orig loops 243.268 Max error 0.500222085975E-11
Sensible loops 15.802 Max error 0.500222085975E-11
BLAS 0.852 Max error 0.682121026330E-12
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
Using 4 threads
Matix sizes 5000 2500 2500 5000 5000 5000
Matmul 4.994
Orig loops 189.189 Max error 0.477484718431E-11
Sensible loops 14.245 Max error 0.477484718431E-11
BLAS 0.707 Max error 0.682121026330E-12
For BLAS I have used openblas - which is freely available. On Linux system a simple apt get or similar should be enough.
Please also note
Real( 8 )
is not portable, not guaranteed to be supported by your compiler, and not guaranteed to do what you expect, and shouldn't be used. Similar for Integer( 8 )
. Please see what I have done for a better way that should work with all compilers.Float
is not a standard intrinsic - use Real
as I have donematmul
to provide a reference version. Your original code does not initialise C, so the results can not be trusted - but as you don't check you get the correct values for C you can't know this.!$omp parallel do
intensely, I think it a mistake that such short cuts are in OpenMP. Instead separate them into !$omp parallel
and !$omp do
- it is very important to understand that thread creation and work sharing are different things, convoluting them in one line is not a good way to learn OpenMP.