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Android - How to play AES/GCM/NoPadding encrypted Video with ExoPlayer?

I AES/GCM/NoPadding encrypted videos inside internal app storage and I want to play them using ExoPlayer.

Nothing really worked for me. I have tried:

  • AesCipherDataSource with FileDataSource -> No Extractor can read the stream
  • Custom DataSources -> Invalid NAL length

And these in various versions.

Am I missing something?

Here is some of the code:

My PlayerSetup

    fun setupPlayer(photoId: Int) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
        val photo = photoRepository.get(photoId)

        player = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(app)
        player!!.apply {
            onMain {
                playWhenReady = true

    private fun createMediaSourceFactory(): MediaSourceFactory {
        val aesDataSource = AesCipherDataSource(encryptionManager.encodedKey, FileDataSource())

        val factory = DataSource.Factory {

        return ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(factory)

    private fun createMediaItem(photo: Photo): MediaItem {
        val uri = Uri.fromFile(app.getFileStreamPath(photo.internalFileName).canonicalFile)

        return MediaItem.Builder()

And my custom DataSource try (not used in code above):

class AesGCMDataSource(
    private val upstream: DataSource,
    private val encryptionManager: EncryptionManager
) : DataSource {

    private var cipherInputStream: CipherInputStream? = null

    override fun addTransferListener(transferListener: TransferListener) {

    override fun open(dataSpec: DataSpec): Long {
        val inputStream = DataSourceInputStream(upstream, dataSpec)
        cipherInputStream = encryptionManager.createCipherInputStream(inputStream)
        return C.LENGTH_UNSET.toLong()

    override fun read(target: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): Int {

        val read = cipherInputStream!!.read(target, offset, length)

        return if (read < 0) {
        } else {

    override fun getResponseHeaders(): MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>> {
        return upstream.responseHeaders

    override fun getUri(): Uri? = upstream.uri

    override fun close() = upstream.close()


  • I found a solution for this:

    Create this DataSource:

    class AesDataSource(
        private val cipher: Cipher
    ) : DataSource {
        private var inputStream: CipherInputStream? = null
        private lateinit var uri: Uri
        override fun open(dataSpec: DataSpec): Long {
            uri = dataSpec.uri
            uri.path ?: return 0
            val file = File(uri.path!!).canonicalFile
            inputStream = CipherInputStream(file.inputStream(), cipher)
            if (dataSpec.position != 0L) {
                inputStream?.forceSkip(dataSpec.position) // Needed for skipping
            return dataSpec.length
        override fun read(target: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): Int =
            if (length == 0) {
            } else {
                inputStream?.read(target, offset, length) ?: 0
        override fun addTransferListener(transferListener: TransferListener) {}
        override fun getUri(): Uri = uri
        override fun close() {

    The DataSource uses this Extension function:

     * Skip bytes by reading them to a specific point.
     * This is needed in GCM because the Authorisation Tag wont match when bytes are really skipped.
    fun CipherInputStream.forceSkip(bytesToSkip: Long): Long {
        var processedBytes = 0L
        while (processedBytes < bytesToSkip) {
        return processedBytes

    Use it like this:

    fun setupPlayer(file: Uri) {
            player = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(app)
                .apply {
                    playWhenReady = true
    private fun createMediaSourceFactory(): MediaSourceFactory {
        val aesDataSource = AesDataSource(yourCipher) // Use your Cipher instance
        val factory = DataSource.Factory {
        return ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(factory)
    private fun createMediaItem(file: Uri): MediaItem {
        return MediaItem.fromUri(uri)