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Slack API CORS error with axios in Vue JS

I'm building an app with Capacitor JS & Nuxt JS to interface with the Slack API so that I can set my Slack status, I've created a Slack App and have a xoxp- token which works just fine when I hit the endpoint with a POST request via Postman, but from my browser (localhost) and from the running app on my phone I'm getting the following CORS error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Request header field authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.

Now this seems silly because you must use the authorization header to provide the Bearer token for authentication, but even after temporarily omitting this, the CORS error remains.

I'm trying to POST to the endpoint for users.profile.set View another method

What am I missing in my Axios code?

setSlackStatusWithReminder (title, expiry) {
  const body = this.convertToQueryString({
    profile: this.convertToQueryString(this.profile),
    token: 'xoxp-mytoken'

  this.$'', body, {
    timeout: 10000,
    transformRequest(data, headers) {
      delete headers.common['Content-Type'];
      return data;
  }).then(res => {

    if ( != true) {
      alert('something went wrong with the .then')

    this.isSettingStatus = false
    this.actions.isShown = false
  }).catch(err => {
    this.isSettingStatus = false
    this.actions.isShown = false


I've got a function to convert my request body into a query string from my data, which looks like:

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      profile: {
        status_text: '',
        status_emoji: '',
        status_expiration: 0

Query string function to convert body

convertToQueryString (obj) {
  const convert = Object.keys(obj)
                         .map((key, index) => `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[key])}`)

  return convert

And I'm building it up like:

const body = this.convertToQueryString({
        profile: this.convertToQueryString(this.profile),
        token: 'xoxp-mytoken'

It's giving me an invalid_profile response.


  • Not sure why this was so difficult, the following is a valid POST request to the Slack API:

    // this.profile -> is the object with the status_* fields
    const body = `profile=${JSON.stringify(this.profile)}&token=some_token`
    this.$'', body, {
      timeout: 10000,
      transformRequest(data, headers) {
        delete headers.common['Content-Type'];
        return data;
    }).then(res => {
    }).catch(err => {