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quicksort ~20 times slower than mergesort even with median used as pivot?

I implemented this version of quicksort by taking the median of 3 elements as the pivot:

def rearrange_array(array, begin_index, end_index):
    # choose 3 random indexes in the array
    index1 = randint(begin_index, int(begin_index + (end_index - begin_index)/3))
    index2 = randint(int(begin_index + (end_index - begin_index)/3), int(begin_index + 2*(end_index - begin_index)/3))
    index3 = randint(int(begin_index + 2*(end_index - begin_index)/3), end_index)

    if array[index1] > array[index2]:
        tmp = array[index1]
        array[index1] = array[index2]
        array[index2] = tmp
    if array[index2] > array[index3]:
        tmp = array[index2]
        array[index2] = array[index3]
        array[index3] = tmp
    if array[index1] > array[index2]:
        tmp = array[index1]
        array[index1] = array[index2]
        array[index2] = tmp

    # swap index2 and begin_index
    tmp = array[index2]
    array[index2] = array[end_index]
    array[end_index] = tmp

def partition(array, start_index, end_index): # partition = conquer
    rearrange_array(array, start_index, end_index)
    pivot = array[end_index] # pivot is always the right most index
    i = start_index - 1
    # if an element is samller than pivot swap it in front
    for j in range(start_index, end_index):
        if array[j] <= pivot:
            i += 1
            # swap
            tmp = array[i]
            array[i] = array[j]
            array[j] = tmp
    # swap the pivot with the element after i
    # since i only goes forward once something smaller than the pivot is found, we know that
    # everything in front of i+1 will be smaller than pivot
    tmp = array[i+1]
    array[i+1] = array[end_index]
    array[end_index] = tmp
    return i + 1

def quicksort_recursive(array, start_index, end_index):
    if start_index < end_index:
        pivot_index = partition(array, start_index, end_index)
        quicksort_recursive(array, start_index, pivot_index - 1)
        quicksort_recursive(array, pivot_index, end_index)

to test the sorting algorithm, I used it on an array of 100k elements which took ~16 seconds

def get_array(length, maximum):
    array = []
    for _ in range(length):
        array.append(randint(0, maximum))
    return array
sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit() * 100)
a = get_array(100000, 100)
t = time()
quicksort_recursive(a, 0, len(a) - 1)
print(time() - t)

Then I compared it to this version of quicksort, which only took about 0.8-1 second:

def merge(array, left, right):
    # the program will only get here once we call mergesort on
    # a one element array
    i = j = k = 0
    # put the smallest one in the array
    while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
        if left[i] < right[j]:
            array[k] = left[i]
            i += 1
            array[k] = right[j]
            j += 1
        k += 1
    # if one array still has stuff left:
    while i < len(left):
        array[k] = left[i]
        i += 1
        k += 1
    while j < len(right):
        array[k] = right[j]
        j += 1
        k += 1

def mergesort_recursive(array):
    # 1. devide the array in 2
    if len(array) > 1:
        # divide
        middle_index = int(len(array)/2)
        left = array[:middle_index]
        right = array[middle_index:]
        # conquer
        # merge
        merge(array, left, right)

I'm a bit confused about this, isn't quicksort supposed to be faster than mergesort? I've tried it on an array of 100 elements and it does put the elements in correct order so I'm not sure what's going on



  • Examples, didn't used median of 3. On my system, quick sort 0.312 seconds, bottom up merge sort 0.436 seconds, top down merge sort 0.500 seconds. Note for these type of programs, python is over 50 times slower than a compiled language like C or C++.

    quick sort hoare partition scheme

    import random
    from time import time
    def qsort(a, lo, hi):
        if(lo >= hi):
        p = a[(lo + hi) // 2]       # pivot, any a[] except a[hi]
        i = lo - 1
        j = hi + 1
            while(1):               # while(a[++i] < p)
                i += 1
                if(a[i] >= p):
            while(1):               # while(a[--j] < p)
                j -= 1
                if(a[j] <= p):
            if(i >= j):
            a[i],a[j] = a[j],a[i]
        qsort(a, lo, j)
        qsort(a, j+1, hi)
    # test sort
    a = [random.randint(0, 2147483647) for r in range(100*1024)]
    s = time()
    qsort(a, 0, len(a)-1)
    e = time()
    print e - s
    # check to see if data was sorted
    f = 0
    for i in range (1 ,len(a)):
        if(a[i-1] > a[i]):
            f = 1
    if(f == 0):

    bottom up merge sort

    import random
    from time import time
    def sort(a):
        if(len(a) < 2):                     # if nothing to do, return
        b = [0] * len(a)                    # allocate b
        mrgsrt(a, b, len(a))
    def mrgsrt(a, b, n):
        s = 1                               # assume even pass count
        if((passcnt(n) & 1) == 1):          #  if odd count
            while(s < n):                   #   swap pairs in place
                if(a[s] < a[s-1]):
                    a[s-1],a[s] = a[s],a[s-1]
                s = s + 2
            s = 2
        while(s < n):
            ee = 0                          # reset end index
            while(ee < n):                  # setup for next pair of runs
                ll = ee
                rr = ll + s
                if(rr >= n):                #  if only left run copy it
                    b[ll:n] = a[ll:n]
                ee = rr + s
                if(ee > n):
                    ee = n
                mrg(a, b, ll, rr, ee)
            a,b = b,a                       # swap(a, b)
            s = s << 1                      # double run size
    def mrg(a, b, ll, rr, ee):              # merge a pair of runs from a to b
        o = ll                              # o = b[]        index
        l = ll                              # l = a[] left   index
        r = rr                              # r = a[] right  index
        while True:
            if(a[l] <= a[r]):               # if a[l] <= a[r]
                b[o] = a[l]                 #   copy a[l]
                o += 1
                l += 1
                if(l < rr):                 #   if not end of left run
                    continue                #     continue (back to while)
                b[o:ee] = a[r:ee]           #   else copy rest of right run
                return                      #     and return
            else:                           # else a[l] > a[r]
                b[o] = a[r]                 #   copy a[r]
                o += 1
                r += 1
                if(r < ee):                 #   if not end of right run
                    continue                #     continue (back to while)
                b[o:ee] = a[l:rr]           #   else copy rest of left run
                return                      #     and return
    def passcnt(n):                         # return # passes
        i = 0
        s = 1
        while(s < n):
            s = s << 1
            i = i + 1
    # test sort
    a = [random.randint(0, 2147483647) for r in range(100*1024)]
    c = a[:]                                # c = sorted copy of a
    s = time()
    e = time()
    print e - s
    # check to see if data was sorted properly
    f = 0
    for i in range (0, len(a)):
        if(a[i] != c[i]):
            f = 1
    if(f == 0):

    top down merge sort

    import random
    from time import time
    def sort(a):
        if(len(a) < 2):                     # if nothing to do, return
        b = [0] * len(a)                    # allocate b
        msa2a(a, b, 0, len(a))              # merge sort a to a
    def msa2a(a, b, low, end):              # merge sort a to a
        if((end - low) < 2):                # if < 2 elements
            return                          #   return
        mid = (low+end)//2                  # set mid point
        msa2b(a, b, low, mid)               # merge sort left  half to b
        msa2b(a, b, mid, end)               # merge sort right half to b
        mrg(b, a, low, mid, end)            # merge halves   from b to a
    def msa2b(a, b, low, end):              # merge sort a to b
        if((end - low) < 2):                # if < 2 elements
            b[low] = a[low]                 #   copy 1 element from a to b
            return                          #   return
        mid = (low+end)//2                  # set mid point
        msa2a(a, b, low, mid)               # merge sort left  half to a
        msa2a(a, b, mid, end)               # merge sort right half to a
        mrg(a, b, low, mid, end)            # merge halves   from a to b
    def mrg(a, b, ll, rr, ee):              # merge a pair of runs from a to b
        o = ll                              # o = b[]        index
        l = ll                              # l = a[] left   index
        r = rr                              # r = a[] right  index
        while True:
            if(a[l] <= a[r]):               # if a[l] <= a[r]
                b[o] = a[l]                 #   copy a[l]
                o += 1
                l += 1
                if(l < rr):                 #   if not end of left run
                    continue                #     continue (back to while)
                b[o:ee] = a[r:ee]           #   else copy rest of right run
                return                      #     and return
            else:                           # else a[l] > a[r]
                b[o] = a[r]                 #   copy a[r]
                o += 1
                r += 1
                if(r < ee):                 #   if not end of right run
                    continue                #     continue (back to while)
                b[o:ee] = a[l:rr]           #   else copy rest of left run
                return                      #     and return
    # test sort
    a = [random.randint(0, 2147483647) for r in range(100*1024)]
    c = a[:]                                # c = sorted copy of a
    s = time()
    e = time()
    print e - s
    # check to see if data was sorted properly
    f = 0
    for i in range (0, len(a)):
        if(a[i] != c[i]):
            f = 1
    if(f == 0):