Is there any already built and ready to use C++ algorithms out there similar to CGAL's offset_2 function but instead of computing the Minkowski sum of a circle and a polygon, the Minkowski sum of a circle and a polyline is computed (i.e., the buffer of the polyline)?
In application this is what I would like to do:
EDIT: Possible Solution
Could I just generate a circle of radius r at each vertex and a rectangle with width of 2r along each line segment, and then take the union of these?
If I understand the CGAL documentation correctly, I can get an exact solution (i.e., something made up of conic arc), correct? If so, some guidance will be greatly appreciated.
So, following from my suggested solution, the Minkowski sum of a polyline and a circle of radius r
is the union of circles or radius r
at each vertex and rectangles of width r
about each line segment.
Following this, I used the Boolean Set-Operations on General Polygons
and the example therein, which conveniently takes the union of circles of rectangles. The key feature of this was the fact that the GeneralPolygon_2
concept was used, which allows me to get an exact solution in the form of linear functions and circular arcs.
Here is a snippet of my code (note that my inputted polyline uses complex coordinates):
Polygon_set_2 S;
// Generate a Circle for each Vertex
for (int i=0; i<complexPolygon.size(); ++i){
S.join(construct_polygon(Circle_2(Point_2(real(complexPolygon[i]), imag(complexPolygon[i])),1)));
// Generate a Rectangle for Each Ordered Pair of Vertices
for (int i=0; i<complexPolygon.size()-1; ++i){
complex<double> P1, P2, P12, R1, R2, R3, R4;
P1 = complexPolygon[i];
P2 = complexPolygon[i+1];
P12 = P2-P1;
R1 = P1 - complex<double>(0,w)*P12/abs(P12);
R4 = P1 + complex<double>(0,w)*P12/abs(P12);
R2 = R1 + P12;
R3 = R4 +P12;
S.join(construct_polygon(Point_2(real(R1), imag(R1)), Point_2(real(R2), imag(R2)),
Point_2(real(R3), imag(R3)), Point_2(real(R4), imag(R4))));
fstream minkFile;"mink.txt",ios::out);//open in write mode
list<Polygon_with_holes_2> res;
S.polygons_with_holes (std::back_inserter (res));
copy (res.begin(), res.end(),
ostream_iterator<Polygon_with_holes_2>(minkFile, "\n"));
cout << endl;