I am unable to run text templates in Visual Studio for Mac or visual studio code. I tried:
VS > Right click project > Tools > Process T4 templates > (No Templates Found)
I also went to Visual Studio top menu > Extensions > (Search for T4) > IDE Extensions > Text Templating v8.10.6 is installed.
I am trying to use the *.tt template from linq2db.SqlServer.. But running any basic T4 template would let me know the TextTemplatingFileGenerator is at least working. There the documentation states:
Make sure that custom tool for your tt file set to TextTemplatingFileGenerator, otherwise it will not run
Though it doesn't explain how to actually accomplish this task?
I also installed TT-Processor into visual studio code. I was also unable to execute the *.tt file. In this case I did not see an execute/run command when I right clicked a *.tt file.
Microsoft answered the question for me. As I already mentioned, the part that nobody talks about is the answer to this:
Make sure that custom tool for your tt file set to TextTemplatingFileGenerator, otherwise it will not run
In visual studio right click the *.tt File > Properties > Custom Tool > Choose "TextTemplatingFileGenereator"
Now visual studio will find the *.tt file when you Right click the project > Tools > Process T4 templates
Arguably, this experience should be improved to default to this behavior to fit the philosophy of "fall into the pit of success".