I am trying to use VBA and C# to determine the selected range of cells in a PowerPoint table. Ideally, I could use something like the .Start and .End properties of the selected range of cells to identify the row and column boundaries of the selected range of cells, but I could find no such properties.
But I cannot find any way to get the cell coordinates from the selection object. I want to use something like this:
var startColumn = selection.ShapeRange.Table.<selected cellrange>.Start;
The only thing I found that was even close was some code that looped over each cell in the selected table object asking if each cell was selected.
For x = 1 To oTbl.Rows.Count
For y = 1 To oTbl.Columns.Count
If oTbl.Cell(x, y).Selected Then
' do something with the selected cell or indexes
End If
Is that the only way for me to determine the row and column of the selected cell, or is there a shorter way? Thank you.
@Steve Rindsberg confirmed that PowerPoint has no functions for this sort of thing. I used the code shown above to traverse the table cells to find the selected region.