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Fullcalendar momentTimezonePlugin cause error

I'm using the latest version of Fullcalendar and i want to change the nowIndicator by timezone, so i've found the plugin MomentTimezone

When i added the plugin to the list of plugins in calendar options :

plugins: [ momentTimezonePlugin, timeGridPlugin ],

I got this error in momentTimezonePlugin :

Property 'eventResizeJoinTransforms' is missing in type 'import("c:/Workspace/Monitoring/monitoring-ui/src/main/webapp/app/node_modules/@fullcalendar/moment-timezone/node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/main").PluginDef' but required in type 'import("c:/Workspace/Monitoring/monitoring-ui/src/main/webapp/app/node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/main").PluginDef'.ts(2741)
main.d.ts(938, 5): 'eventResizeJoinTransforms' is declared here.

here is the different version of librairies :

"@fullcalendar/angular": "5.5.0",
"@fullcalendar/core": "5.5.1",
"@fullcalendar/daygrid": "5.5.0",
"@fullcalendar/interaction": "5.5.0",
"@fullcalendar/list": "5.5.0",
"@fullcalendar/moment-timezone": "5.8.0",
"@fullcalendar/timegrid": "5.5.1",


  • You mentioned using Angular 8. I'm afraid you need to either downgrade your FullCalendar package version or upgrade Angular to version 9 if you want to avoid weird issues using FullCalendar with Angular.

    Supported Angular Versions

    @fullcalendar/angular version 5 supports Angular 9 - 11.
