Search code examples

What is the query to find the salary of employees having more salary than his/her manager?

Suppose there is a below table

EmpID EmpName ManagerID EmpSalary
1 ABC 2 1000
2 DEF 3 2000
10 GHI 11 5000
3 JKL 4 1000

Now we know that EmpID = 2 should be the output because it has higher salary than its manager.

But what query can we write to get this output? I am really confused here


  • WITH CTE(EmpID,     EmpName,    ManagerID,  EmpSalary) AS
        SELECT 1,   'ABC' , 2 , 1000 UNION ALL
        SELECT 2 ,  'DEF' , 3 , 2000  UNION ALL
        SELECT 10 , 'GHI'   ,11 ,   5000  UNION ALL
        SELECT 3 ,  'JKL' , 4 , 1000
     SELECT T.EmpID,T.EmpName,T.ManagerID,T.EmpSalary,T2.EmpSalary AS MANAGER_SALARY
     JOIN CTE AS T2 ON T.ManagerID=T2.EmpID
     --WHERE T.EmpSalary>T2.EmpSalary

    This is called "self-join". CTE in the above code represents your table's data. Please take a look how table is joined with itself (I commented the WHERE-condition) to show employee's an manager'ssalaries