Im writing an API automation test with RestSharp.Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated! I'm getting data values from the response & I need to write few values to my json file (which I will use for another test putting them as a body). I managed to get 1 value from JArray but I need 2 more values and I cant wrap my head around how to do that. Im attaching my api test code & the data I get from the response + the data I managed to write into my json file.
The value that I managed to get: FsNumber (declared it as financialNumber). What I need to add to the json: subjectName + subjectCode (they will be declared as companyName/companyCode). How do I access "Query" list with SubjectName/SubjectCode?
var queryResult = client.Execute<object>(request);
var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(queryResult.Data);
var jsonParse = JToken.Parse(data);
var fsObject = jsonParse.Value<JToken>("FinanceReportList");
var fsArray = fsObject.Value<JArray>("List");
foreach (var fs in fsArray)
var cfn = fs.Value<string>("FsNumber");
var queryObject = new DataQuery
financialNumber = cfn,
var queryObjectString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(queryObject);
File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\TestAPI\myJsonWithValues.json", queryObjectString);
Data I get from the response:
"RequestDate": "2021-07-16",
"Message": "Active",
"ProductNumber": 666,
"Language": "EN",
"RequestId": "reqID666",
"Query": {
"SubjectCode": "MY-SUBJECT",
"SubjectName": "MY-NAME"
"FinanceReportList": {
"List": [
"FsNumber": "MY-NUMBER",
"Year": 2021,
So far I managed to get FsNumber to my myJsonWithValues.json file as this:
What Im trying to do is, my json should look like
You have to access "Query" object
var fsQuery = jsonParse.Value<JToken>("Query")
and use Children() method to access properties of "Query"
var children = fsQuery.Children();
It is a good practice to implement a class that encapsulates your resonse and deserialize it with JsonConvert.Deserialize eg.
public class Account
public string Email { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
public IList<string> Roles { get; set; }
Account account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Account>(json);
Instead of using JObjects