I have this here for loop:
$fromInput = 1
$toInput = 99
for ($i = $fromInput; $i -le $toInput; $i++) {
$destinationDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f @($i) + "\$shareName\$dupDir"
$netUseDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f @($i) + "\$shareName"
$passObj = 'pass@' + '{0:d3}' -f @($i)
So it would loop through PC's from 1 to 99 but what I need now is to loop through a list of numbers that User inputs that are split
I am trying to do that with a foreach loop but it is not working for me like the one in the for loop:
$userInput = Read-Host "Input numbers divided by a comma [", "]"
$numberList = $userInput.split(", ")
foreach ($i in $numberList) {
$destinationDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f @($i) + "\$shareName\$dupDir"
$netUseDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f @($i) + "\$shareName"
$passObj = 'pass@' + '{0:d3}' -f @($i)
How do I make a foreach loop that takes the $userInput, splits it into $numberList and then loops for each of the numbers in the $numberList the way it is shown above. I much appreciate your help as always!
The main issue is that you are applying formatting (d5
) to a string that is intended for an integer type. You can simply cast to [int]
to get the desired result.
foreach ($i in $numberList) {
$destinationDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f [int]$i + "\$shareName\$dupDir"
$netUseDir = '\\pc' + '{0:d5}' -f [int]$i + "\$shareName"
$passObj = 'pass@' + '{0:d3}' -f [int]$i
reads data as a [string]
. If that data needs to be a different type for whatever reason, a conversion will be needed whether that be implicit or explicit.