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Cannot run .c because of segmentation fault using vosk

I'm on ubuntu 18.04 and i'm trying to run a .c file that came with an API called vosk that i just want to run . The issue is that the python script (which comes standard with the API) works without any problems but after compiling with make the .c file, called test_vosk.c, that they provide (so i didn't write it) to run the API:

#include <vosk_api.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    FILE *wavin;
    char buf[3200];
    int nread, final;

    VoskModel *model = vosk_model_new("model");
    VoskRecognizer *recognizer = vosk_recognizer_new(model, 16000.0);

    wavin = fopen("test.wav", "rb");
    fseek(wavin, 44, SEEK_SET);
    while (!feof(wavin)) {
         nread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), wavin);
         final = vosk_recognizer_accept_waveform(recognizer, buf, nread);
         if (final) {
             printf("%s\n", vosk_recognizer_result(recognizer));
         } else {
             printf("%s\n", vosk_recognizer_partial_result(recognizer));
    printf("%s\n", vosk_recognizer_final_result(recognizer));

    return 0;

and running it by doing


i get this error:

LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Decoding params beam=10 max-active=3000 lattice-beam=2
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Silence phones 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanNodes() Removed 0 orphan nodes.
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanComponents() Removing 0 orphan components.
LOG (VoskAPI:CompileLooped() Spent 0.0199881 seconds in looped compilation.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading i-vector extractor from model/ivector/
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Computing derived variables for iVector extractor
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Done.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading HCL and G from model/graph/HCLr.fst model/graph/Gr.fst
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading winfo model/graph/phones/
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

and happens a similar thing if i try to ./test_vosk_speaker (which is basically the same script but with another feature):

LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Decoding params beam=10 max-active=3000 lattice-beam=2
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Silence phones 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanNodes() Removed 0 orphan nodes.
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanComponents() Removing 0 orphan components.
LOG (VoskAPI:CompileLooped() Spent 0.0199001 seconds in looped compilation.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading i-vector extractor from model/ivector/
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Computing derived variables for iVector extractor
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Done.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading HCL and G from model/graph/HCLr.fst model/graph/Gr.fst
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Loading winfo model/graph/phones/
ERROR (VoskAPI:ReadConfigFile() Cannot open config file: spk-model/mfcc.conf
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'kaldi::KaldiFatalError'
  what():  kaldi::KaldiFatalError
Aborted (core dumped)

This API works with an other library called Kaldi and for example the error that comes from the ./test_vosk_speaker may hints to a problem related with it (which is strange as python works!). I'm still trying to learn linux but i really don't know where to even look for this things and if someone could help me it would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!

If it can help the Makefile that compiled the test_vosk.c was like this inside

LDFLAGS=-L../src -lvosk -ldl -lpthread -Wl,-rpath=../src

all: test_vosk test_vosk_speaker

test_vosk: test_vosk.o
    g++ $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)

test_vosk_speaker: test_vosk_speaker.o
    g++ $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)

%.o: %.c
    g++ $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

    rm -f *.o *.a test_vosk test_vosk_speaker

and the script in order to run needs a model put inside a folder in the same directory of test_vosk.c but if you don't do it and run ./test_vosk it doesn't find the model and this is the error that comes up:

LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Decoding params beam=13 max-active=7000 lattice-beam=6
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles() Silence phones 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10
ERROR (VoskAPI:ReadConfigFile() Cannot open config file: model/mfcc.conf
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'kaldi::KaldiFatalError'
  what():  kaldi::KaldiFatalError
Aborted (core dumped)


  • i needed to put the python/exampe/test.wav to the /c folder. I wish this might be helpful for someone in the future.